Robot in Love #8

 It has been hot and busy. My apprentice is transferring soon, and that is fine. Everything is fine. I do not know why I still have to write poetry.

Today is hot and dry
Good for getting sunburns
Good for dehydrating meat

Today is cold and wet
Good for growing mold
Good for reading inside

Today is hot and wet
Good for rotting a corpse
Good for finding toads

Today is cold and dry
Good for brewing
Good for going to work, filling in invoices, answering email, reading the police blotter at lunch, trying not to mess up in front of my apprentice, labelling, organizing, filing, cleaning up, 

answering "goodnight."

 Hey... it's been a while. Be sure to check out my psychology project from this semester (here)! If you're not a fan of the anime/manga, it will probably numb your mind - actually, it will probably numb your mind anyway! I got carried away.
So what have you all been up to? ~*

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.