Robot in Love #7


How small is the smallest smallness?
How large is the largest largeness?

Cake mix - cookie mix - pancake mix
Where is the blue food coloring? I ask the clerk 
(Hello, my name is Donna),
and she leads me back to Aisle 5 and shows me
Red - yellow - green.
Why not blue, when you could make green if you mixed it with yellow?
Hello my name is Donna doesn't know either.

They used to think you were insane
when you talked to a voice in your head
in public. Now everyone knows 
you have a Bluetooth.
There are no crazy people anymore.

Excuse me, sir, do you have blue food coloring?
Yes, the voice assures me. Yes, we carry it.
It is getting late -
the numbers behind my eyes glow 8:21 in red
(because I'm tired) - but I
go to the next store anyway.
Red - yellow - green.

Excuse me. I called this store and the man told me you had blue food coloring.
No, the clerk corrects me. No, we do not carry that.
Why not just sell blue and yellow? You could mix them . . .

It is late.
It is a long walk home.

Although -
the sunset pours magic on the brick apartments lining the street, turning their crumbling edges and stained pillars and brass door knockers into Renaissance masterpieces, and a rare warm breeze swirls two ragged plastic bags in a graceful dance, two wild swans, and one shouts THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU up at the sky, and speaking of the sky, it is painted in the same impossible strokes as the rest of my vision, and well

How can anyone not believe in God
when there are clouds?

Hey! Sorry for the inactivity. It has been a crazy month! ~*

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.