Alternative Endings 1/4

  Alternative Endings

Jamie clattered hurriedly up the steps of his old, creaky Victorian house. Inside, he could see his mom bending over paperwork.
  Today's the day
, he thought. Everyone looked forward to summer vacation, but Jamie loved it even more than most. He was not exactly an outstanding student, and at fourteen, he had far too much energy to sit at school all day. Jamie dropped his heavy backpack, smiling with satisfaction as they made a dull thump.
  "It's summer!" he told his mom delightedly. On the day he got out of school, she always told him where he was to go for the summer vacation.
  "I know, honey," his mom sighed. She worked at the hospital and was often in a foul mood. She did not look up from the papers she had been working on.
  "So," Jamie asked, calmly this time, "where am I going this year?"
   Since Jamie's dad had died, his mom toiled full time to keep their small house. She didn't have time to watch Jamie for the three month break, so she would send him to cheap all-summer camps. This had been going on for a few years, and the novelty had almost worn off - but not quite. Jamie leaned on the table, watching his mom expectantly.
   She looked up and he could see bad-news-wrinkles on her forehead.
  Uh oh. Jamie braced himself for some bad news.
  "We don't have quite as much money this year," she began, "and I couldn't find an affordable camp. I really tried, Jamie. But in the end - " she looked away, "- I had to call your Uncle."
   The Uncle! Jamie had heard of him for years, but had never seen him. He didn't even know the mysterious Uncle's first name, and his mom hadn't talked to the solitary relative in a long time.
  "Did he loan us some money?" Jamie asked. He wasn't sure what he could expect from the man.
  "Actually," his mom replied brightly, and Jamie was certain it was for his benefit, "he volunteered to take care of you this summer! I'm sure you'll have fun. Your Uncle is very - " She searched for a word. Unpredictable? Eccentric? Feral? "- exciting," she finished.
  "Where does he live?" Jamie asked. He was nervous now. "Does he have any kids?"
  "He normally lives in a cabin in the Appalachians, but this year business is taking him to South Africa." She seemed amused by his second question. "Kids? Oh! Certainly not. Now go upstairs and pack. He's picking you up tomorrow."

Jamie had hoped that after a long, restful sleep, his predicament would look brighter, but this was not the case.
  He had tried to sleep in, but at five his mom shouted him awake and told him to pack as fast as possible. I thought it was summer! he groaned inwardly while prying himself out of bed.                    
  "I'm getting up!" he called through his door.
  Since he was mildly nervous about meeting the Uncle, he ran a comb through his wild brown hair to make it appear that he had some sense of hygiene. He packed quickly and was ready to leave thirty minutes later.
  "When is he coming?" Jamie asked his mom, who was scarfing down a bagel so she could get to work on time.
  "Soon!" she promised, then grabbed her paperwork and gave him a hug. "I love you. Be good at your Uncle's house!"
  "Bye, Mom."
  She swept outside and was gone.
  Fortunately, just a few minutes later a car pulled into the driveway. Jamie picked up his heavy duffle bag and stepped into the early golden sunlight, locking the door behind him. He walked through the dead lawn to the sleek black car, curious to see the Uncle.
  To his surprise, a young woman with long black hair was sitting in the driver's seat. She rolled down the window an inch.
  "Um..." Jamie was confused and lost for words.
  "The Professor was busy getting ready for our trip," she told him in an icy, rather annoyed Russian accent. "You couldn't have thought he would stop everything just for you? Get in." Jamie complied, still in a daze. "
Спасибо. Now be quiet so I can drive."
  The trip from Houston, Texas to a small town in West Virginia was seventeen hours long.
  The woman did not speak.
   She did not stop to eat.
   She did not stop to pee.
  When Jamie stumbled out of the expensive black car, he wasn't greeted by anyone, and he didn't care. All he wanted was to find the nearest bathroom and stay there for hours.
  The Russian lady showed him to the restroom and then his bedroom. He was too tired to notice
much of his surroundings at all.
  The last thing he remembered was collapsing into a soft quilted bedspread.
  Jamie woke up in a confused state.
  "Get up!" someone was shouting above his head. He looked up into the rather frightening face of the Russian from the day before. "You were already summoned!"
  "Mmm," Jamie answered. "Where am I again?"
  "Get up!" she repeated, and left, slamming the door.
  Jamie hurriedly complied, washed his face, and stepped through one of the doors. Unfortunately, he took the incorrect door and found himself standing on a wide, roughhewn deck. He stood there for a while, entranced by the lush green around him. Mist swirled through the verdant woods, giving the whole thing a surreal appearance. Ruefully, he left the porch and went through his other door.
  Jamie headed downstairs and found the dining room without much trouble, since there were tantalizing whiffs of pancake scent drifting out of it. But when he entered, he was surprised by the size of the crowd.
  Sitting around a large oak table were several people dressed in work clothes, then the Russian woman. At the head of the table was a stuffy looking, middle aged man with large glasses and a balding head. He was speaking to an exceedingly odd looking man, who had white hair and a young face.
  "Your monthly payment is due," the young man was saying in a quiet voice. Jamie thought he could detect a faint accent.
  "I'll get it paid, Mario!" the older man yelled gruffly. "Just wait 'til I'm in Africa. Then the company's payments will be a drop in the bucket."
  The man with white hair stiffened at being called 'Mario', then he nodded and stood up. "I'm heading back to Florence soon. When I return, it must be with your company dues," he told the old man as he left the room, walking right past Jamie.
  Jamie walked uncomfortably to the empty chair by the old guy. He could feel everyone staring.
  "Ah, I'm glad you woke up," the man told him, then he faced the others at the table. "This is my nephew, James Westing. He'll be coming with us on the trip." He turned back to Jamie. "These are some of the workmen, and I'm sure you've met my secretary, Petrovina. I am Professor Westing." After a second, he clarified, "I'm your Uncle.
After breakfast, Jamie - or James, as he was now known - was allowed to walk around unsupervised, but was instructed by Uncle Westing to 'not touch anything, and leave the workmen alone!'
  The cool greenness of the mountains was a relief after the heat from his home in Texas. He wandered around the large clearing surrounding Professor Westing’s house, poking into anything that interested him. He thought about going into the woods, but they seemed a little too remote to be safe. So he followed a group of workmen who were carrying a tarp. After a walking for a few minutes, they set it down in the middle of the clearing. James stood awkwardly, wondering what he could do to keep busy. At a summer camp, they have a bunch of convenient activities, he thought remorsefully. I have no idea what to do here!
Just then, he noticed the man Uncle Westing had called Mario. He was standing in front of a huge semi truck, looking up at it. Streams of workers parted around him. James noticed that nobody got very near him. Certainly, the man had a sinister presence. Suddenly, as if he could feel Jamie's gaze, he turned his head and their eyes met.
  Well, thought Jamie, this is awkward. It would probably be rude not to go talk to him now.
The man gave a friendly nod of greeting, so Jamie walked over to him.
  "It's a great day out," Jamie remarked. "How long are you going to stay with us?"
  "I will be supervising the operations in Africa for a week, then I will return to Italy to report." The man studied Jamie carefully, his cold green eyes making the boy want to squirm. "Your name was James, correct?"
  "Sort of," Jamie replied, not wanting to contradict him. "I normally go by Jamie."
The man nodded. "My name is Signor Rafael. I am an… accountant." Jamie noticed a hesitation in his words and decided not to pursue it further. "I travel extensively for my job, but I have never been to Africa before."
  Jamie studied S. Rafael's expensive, black three piece suit and doubted that the man was actually an accountant. "What's in the truck?" he asked.
  "The Machine."
  "What machine?"
  "It isn't named yet," Raphael told him. "The Device, the Appliance, even the Hazardous Invention. Professor Westing - " he grimaced, " - your Uncle, is working on a real name for it now."
  Jamie wasn't surprised that S. Raphael didn't like his Uncle. Professor Westing seemed like an extremely demanding man.
  Signor Raphael turned quickly and silently to face the sound, then relaxed a little when he saw it was only Petrovina and not some kind of deadly ninja. He still did not look pleased to see the secretary.
  "Huh?" Jamie asked.
  "It is time to leave," she told him. Then she grabbed the back of his hoodie and began dragging him back to the cabin. "Furthermore, I'm certain the Professor would not enjoy knowing that you were talking to him." She gave Signor Raphael an imperious glance, which he ignored.
  "Why?" Jamie was shocked that even someone as impolite as Petrovina would speak that way in front of S. Raphael.
  "Does he really look like an accountant to you?" she asked in a whisper while casting the man a furtive glance.
  What is he, then? Jamie wondered through the ride to the airport. It still perplexed him after he'd boarded the plane. He thought about his morning as he sat smushed between Raphael, who stared out the window the entire trip, and Petrovina, who kept her nose in a paperback crime novel.
  Who is Signor Raphael, really? He couldn't stop thinking. And what is the Machine?
    Jamie blinked at the bright morning sunlight as he followed Petrovina through the airport. The wheels on his bag clicked in a slow, monotonous rhythm.
  "Where are we?" he asked his Uncle's secretary.
  "Johannesburg," she replied shortly, "the capital of South Africa."
  Passports were checked, baggage was claimed, and the group was soon riding in a caravan of large safari jeeps. Heads turned on the crowded streets as the small army of scientists and workmen rolled by, followed by the truck that carried the Device - whatever it might be.
  As soon as they got out of the city, they stopped to pick up some extra passengers.
  "Who are they?" Jamie asked Signor Raphael.
  "Guards," the man replied, watching the newcomers warily. They carried rifles and were dressed in scruffy clothes. Professor Westing seemed displeased. "I thought we were getting watchmen, not mercenaries!" he exclaimed. "If we do have trouble, those are the first people we can expect it from."
  "I'm not so sure," S. Raphael commented.
  The Professor and his secretary looked at him defensively.
  "What do you mean?" Petrovina asked icily.
  "Often, the worst enemies are the ones you expect the least," Raphael replied, "but that is only in my limited experience."
  Icy silence settled over the jeep for the rest of the trip.
  What in the world do we need mercenaries for? Jamie wondered.
It was getting late in the day, and still they had not reached the camp. Dust had puffed up around the Jeeps, then settled inside on the tired occupants.
  Signor Raphael was the first to spot the taxi.
  Following behind them with a tall plume of dust, the rusted vehicle would soon be upon them. The guards picked up their weapons from the floor and Jamie shuddered with excitement. We’re being attacked, he thought giddily.
  The caravan stopped and its occupants waited breathlessly. The small car drew nearer and nearer until it was pulled up alongside the lead Jeep.
  A short girl with blond hair stepped out lightly. She looked like she was about Jamie's age, and wore a green tank top with a hoodie tied around her waist.
  The guards looked questioningly at Professor Westing, and Jamie followed their lead. To his astonishment, the man was smiling - a truly happy smile!
  "Chloe! How wonderful to see you!" Then his face turned dark. "Why were you not picked up from the airport?"
  "Not anyone's fault, Professor," she reassured while climbing into the Jeep. "My plane was late."
  The girl bounced down on the seat next to Jamie.
  “Hi,” he mumbled quietly.
  "Hello," she replied, then went back to her conversation with his Uncle. Jamie was still watching her when she leaned back and stretched.
  OH MY GOSH! Jamie thought, barely stifling a gasp. She has armpit hair! And it wasn't just stubbly armpit hair either, it was long, springy locks of it. Jamie turned away and spent the rest of the trip trying not to gag.
  So much for hanging out with her, he thought. What a weirdo.
The sun was setting when they finally got to camp. Fortunately it had already been prepared for habitation, so all Jamie had to do was find an empty tent and throw his bag inside. Then he wandered around, searching for sustenance. He found it at a large campfire in the center of the area, where there was a pot of simmering beans.
  S. Raphael and Petrovina were already there, sitting conspicuously on opposite sides of the fire. Jamie sat down by Raphael.
  Many questions were going through his mind. He asked the accountant the first one.
  "What does the machine actually do?"
  The man sighed. "I'm not sure," he replied after a moment.
  "Why do we need guards?"
  "To guard the machine."
  Jamie groaned. Did he truly not know? It must be very secret.  Who are you really? And what is your true job here? he asked Raphael in his mind. But he still wasn't sure if he should voice the question.      
 "Okay, who is this Chloe girl?" Jamie asked. Surely S. Raphael would know something as mundane as that.
  "Well, first of all, I'm present." Jamie whirled around, nearly choking on his beans. "As you know, my name is Chloe. I am one of Professor Westing’s science students. And I can tell you all about the machine. Just not ... here." She looked at Signor Raphael apologetically. "No offence. It's really classified."
  Raphael nodded politely.
  Jamie hesitated, then followed the girl.
  I don't know what I'm getting into, he thought uneasily.
Jamie felt apprehensive as he followed Chloe away from the glowing ring of the campfire. Why would this girl know anything about the Machine if Raphael was clueless? And where were they going?
  They walked past the last row of tents. Jamie almost jumped when Chloe called out into the twilight.
  "It's us! We have clearance to be here!"
  She ignored him and continued walking.
  "We're getting awfully far from the others," Jamie remarked, ready to turn back.
  "Don't worry. Here we are!" Chloe replied.
  Oh, the semi truck... Jamie realized. She must have been talking to the guards earlier.
  "What is it?" Jamie asked. Maybe he would finally get an answer to one of the questions that had been bothering him.
  "I'll show you!" Chloe unlocked the padlock on the back door of the truck and gave a push, then she crawled through the opening.
  Jamie hesitated before following her. "Can we get in trouble for being here?" he asked worriedly.
  "No way! I have a key, remember? Come on!"
  Jamie squeezed into the huge truck box. Chloe already had a flashlight out and was shining it around. It lit up circuit boards, bolts, levers... but the main part of the Machine was an enormous hose.
  "Wow..." Jamie gasped. "What does it do?"
Chloe smiled, then recited;

Upon the wall a thousand clocks,
We measure life in ticks and tocks.
In a river in rolls and flows,
Where it goes only God knows.
In the stream do not throw rocks,
Lest you create a paradox.
Birth and death pass by so fast,
What matters most is what will last.
The circle of life is paradigm,
The tale of which we tell is Time.

  "A friend and fellow student* wrote it. This thing here is commonly known as... a time machine." Chloe gave him a challenging look, as if to say, Don't you dare laugh.
  Jamie laughed.
  "It's true!" she cried, stomping her foot.
  "Yeah right. What is it really?"
  Chloe glared at him.
  "No way. It looks like a huge, futuristic vacuum cleaner." Jamie felt himself faltering as she continued her icy expression. "Really?"
  "How does it work?" Jamie decided to humor her.
  "Well, that's pretty complex. To understand, you have to re-think your whole concept of time. Most people think that time runs in a line. But in actuality, it settles on things, people, the earth, like... dust. You can suck time off of things. And you can store it up and blow it onto something. I don't have a perfect understanding of it, since I'm just a student."
  Jamie frowned. She was a messed-up, hairy-armpitted, and delusional girl who was feeding him lies. Well, it can't hurt to keep going, he thought.
  "Why is everyone so jumpy around Signor Raphael?"
  "Oh... I'm not allowed to tell you that. All I can say is I think he's a great guy, and the rumors about him aren't true. I don't think he's the mole."
  "A mole?" Why call someone a mole?
  "A spy hidden in our ranks. In such an important operation as this, there is bound to be a mole around - maybe more than one!" Chloe looked frightened and excited at the prospect.
  She is a total nutcase, Jamie decided then and there. "I'm leaving," he told her. He turned around to go through the opening, then froze in fear.
  Someone was standing outside of the trailer - and looking directly at him!

*Time, by Alex Writer/BlackDragon2301
The shining eyes blinked.
  Jamie screamed.
  A hand was clapped roughly over his mouth. "Quiet! Do you want to wake everyone up?"
  This is the end. Chloe must have taken me here to kill me. I'm going to die. Oh, Mom - !
"What are you children doing here?" The mysterious person asked Chloe.
  "Oh... hi, Petrovina," Chloe replied. "I was telling James about the Machine."
  Petrovina grabbed both of them by the arms and dragged them back to camp, ranting the whole time. "Why would Professor Westing give anyone but me a key? And especially you, the most insolent - " here she lapsed into Russian for the rest of the walk.
  Jamie was released in front of his tent. By this time he had built up the courage to ask the secretary a question that had been worrying him. "What were you doing at the truck, Petrovina?"
  "Be silent," the woman commanded.
  "Actually, I would like to know also," said a voice from behind them. "Why have you been sneaking around?"
  All three of them whirled around to see a pale, dark-suited figure standing there watching them. "Signor Raphael!" Petrovina spat poisonously.
  "Yes, that's me," he replied. "Now what's going on?"
  Petrovina sputtered. "I - I was bringing the children back. They had left the safety of the camp - "
   "You didn't know we were at the Machine!" Chloe exclaimed. "What were you really doing? I bet - "
   "I bet she is the spy!" Jamie cried in triumph. Everyone turned around and stared at him.
  Chloe looked uncomfortable. "Any one of us could be the spy," she cautioned.
  "Petrovina does look like a good candidate," Signor Raphael agreed.
  "You are accusing me because you are the spy, you brutish deformed murderer!"
  Everyone was shocked into silence. Jamie stared at Raphael. The air felt cold and thick around the little group, and Jamie saw Petrovina's eyes grow wider and wider, as if even she was shocked at her own words. She also looked like she was preparing to run.
  Finally Signor Raphael spoke. "Perhaps I am a murderer. But I can assure you that I am not a spy. Goodnight, everyone."
  He turned and faded into the darkness.
  Jamie woke up feeling annoyed. He hadn't slept very well the night before, since he was used to the relaxing hum of Houston traffic. He was kept up by the rustle of animals in the grass and the noise of crickets chirping all around his tent. They had been loud!
  He stumbled out of bed to the sound of someone yelling outside of his tent.
  "James! Wake up! They're doing the initial testing!"
  Jamie peeked outside. The sun had just started to rise, casting a red glow over the mostly flat landscape.
  "Here," Chloe told him. "I got you some breakfast!" She shoved a plate of beans into his hands and began pulling him along.
  "Beans for breakfast?" he asked groggily. Then he realized he was still in his plaid pajamas. "Wait!"
  But Chloe pretended not to hear him and they continued to the outskirts of camp. There was a large crowd surrounding something. As they got closer, Jamie could see that it was the Machine, and in front of it was a small roped-off area. The workers must have been laboring in the dark, setting up the behemoth creation.
  "Now you'll see that I was telling the truth!" Chloe whispered.
  Professor Westing was laying down some rules for around camp, but Jamie could only catch the last one:
  "My student, Chloe, is allowed ultimate clearance. She may go anywhere and see anything she wants. If any one of you tries to hinder the young lady's research, you will have to speak to me."
  Jamie watched for Petrovina's reaction. She simply rolled her eyes and then looked at the ground. He noticed that she was standing as far away as possible from Signor Raphael. I wonder why someone as nasty as her is afraid of him, Jamie thought. Could he really be a murderer?
  Suddenly he was snapped out of his thoughts by Professor Westing.
  "The first test will begin now!" The old guy cried excitedly. Everyone crowded closer so they could see. For once, Jamie was happy to follow Chloe, since now that everyone knew her status, she was allotted a spot in the front.
  Professor Westing pressed a button on the Machine. Everyone leaned in, intent on the giant vacuum.
  "It's not doing anything!" Jamie whispered to Chloe.
  "Just keep watching," she whispered back.
  At first, there had been no sound. But as everyone watched, a soft whistling sound was heard, and lights began to flash deep in the Machine. In front of the hose, the grass slowly began to turn brown.
  Oh nice, Jamie thought in disgust. High-tech herbicide?
  Suddenly the grass turned green again. Then brown. Then the colors began flashing faster and faster! Jamie couldn't believe it. He turned to Chloe. "What is going on...?"
  "It's working!" She whispered, her eyes shining as she stared intently on the patch of grass. "It's working!"
  The grass stopped changing color abruptly. On the screen attached to the Machine, a red light began flashing.


  Jamie's jaw dropped when he saw what was on the ground in front of them.
In a patch of brown grass, a man was lying on his face. He raised his head to look at them.
  "Water..." the man choked.
"Is this real?" Jamie asked Chloe, "Or is Professor Westing just messing with us?"
 She didn't answer, but her jaw had dropped and her eyes were huge. I guess it isn't a trick, Jamie decided.
  Everyone stared at the man, who didn't seem strong enough to get up. Chloe was the first to snap out of it.
  "Hurry! Someone get water! Someone get a first aid kit!" In seconds, people were rushing into camp to get medical supplies. Chloe was back in thirty seconds with both water and a kit. She was about to step under the rope when a hand grabbed the back of her hoodie.
  "Stop." Jamie looked up and saw that Signor Raphael was the one impeding Chloe's progress.
  "Let me go! I have to help him as fast as possible! He could die!" She struggled violently against Raphael's hold. The man handed her over to Professor Westing and she stopped thrashing. "What are you doing?" she demanded.
  Raphael ignored her and spoke to the Professor. "You told me that there was no possibility of human life here."
  "Well, I didn't think so, but certainly -”
  "You are funded by a rather prestigious company, correct?"
  The Professor looked at his dusty shoes.
  "As that company's agent, I am expected to watch you," the man went on, "and make sure you do nothing that could endanger history. You have been made to understand that."
  "Wait a second!" Chloe interrupted. "This is someone's life we are talking about here. If we don't help him, he could...!"
  "Precisely," Raphael agreed. "But unfortunately, it's also necessary."
  Signor Raphael leaned over the rope. He reached into the control panel. "Which button?" he asked the Professor.
  "Don't tell him!" Chloe wailed. "Lie! Do something - "
  Jamie realized that something really bad was happening. What can I do? I have no idea what's going on...
"It's that button near your hand, Signor."

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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