FanFic 11/12

  Suddenly, there was a crisp knock on his door.
"Come in," he called.
  Ian entered. Even though he was an expert at hiding emotions, Evan knew something bad had happened. Ian was smiling triumphantly.
  "You have been in contact with them! I can't believe this."
"You bugged my room?" Evan asked incredulously.
  "Well, yes. And everyone else's too. But that's beside the point. What do you know about these people?"
Evan, realizing that Ian would probably tell everyone if he didn't talk, caved in and told him the whole story.
  "No way!" Ian remarked when he was done. But he could see how things fit together now. Amy cheating on Evan now, he thought sadly. And it seems like such a short time ago we were eating Easter Peeps together in Korea. Oh well...
  "What are we going to do about this?" Evan asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Ian snorted. "We need to join the Entertainers! And soon!"


  In her spacious, five star hotel room, Calypso got a call from a furious Leo.
"Calm down!" She reprimanded him, after listening to a string of Italian swear words. "What's going on?"
  Leo took a moment to compose himself. "You're in Uzbekistan, right?"
"Yes, but we'll be flying out tomorrow. Jake helped us rescue the Vesper artifact, and- wait, what was your news?"
  "First off, you told Evan Tolliver about us-"
"Well, I had to! I already told you about Sinead's List."
  "Yes, but the main thing is, he knows. Which might explain why he and Ian disappeared today on a plane for who-knows-where. And Deluca is with them."
  "But his lung is collapsed!" Calypso shrieked.
"It's been a few weeks. We think they might be headed to Firenze, though Ian stopped by to see his mother in New York." Leo sighed. "Of course there are rumors flying back at the CCC. They think Ian turned Vesper and kidnapped Evan and DeLuca, or maybe Deluca is a Vesper too... It's been really hectic."
  "What can I do?" Calypso asked.
"Call Joanna and tell her to try to meet them if they get to the airport, and if she can, bring them to the HQ."
  "Okay!" Calypso replied, only to discover that Leo had hung up on her. I really wanted to know what was happening with Big Hair, she thought. But I guess I'll have to wait.
   If only she could know what had caused Leo to hang up. The chase between the hitman and the rock star had taken a frightening turn.


  Leo hadn't slept in three days.
As a matter of fact, he had hardly been out of his rented car. There had been reports of Big Hair in Anchorage, but when he got there his quarry was already gone. So he had been following him as fast as the cheap rental had allowed, hoping to catch him before he got to the Canadian border.
  Leo splashed his face with water in a futile attempt to wake himself up. He thought that if anyone happened to enter the small gas station bathroom, they might think him strange, but he was far past the point of caring. He stepped out, bought yet another cup of dark coffee, and walked back out into the frigid morning air.
  He was in the wilds of Alaska, traveling along the historical Highway 2. The sky was just brightening as he sat back down into the Yugo he had rented in Fairbanks.
  Instead of pulling out, he gave Joanna a call on his cell phone. He hung up, and was about to drive away, when something smashed through his window and he found himself looking into the twin barrels of a shotgun.
  "Get out," someone demanded loudly.
Leo complied, cursing inwardly that he had not thought to have his gun nearby. He found himself face to face with a man in a black baklava, black suit, and black gloves - the standard Vesper uniform. But when the Vesper pulled off his mask, he was shocked to see it was the very person he had been pursuing - Big Hair.

Joanna and the Runaways:

  Meanwhile, Joanna had been doing her job. She met the runaway Cahills as they walked into the Firenze airport. 
  They seemed surprised to see her, but they all greeted her happily, though Ian seemed even more withdrawn than usual. Joanna guessed it was because he was still sad about his unhappy reunion with Isabel.
  After the usual niceties, Ian got right to the point.
"We are here to join the Entertainers," he told them crisply.
  "Yeah," Evan added, "Where do we sign up?"
Joanna sighed. "It's not really that easy," she said. "There are lie detector tests, and endurance tests, and then The Test -"
  "There isn't time for that," insisted Ian. "You need our help now."
Joanna was about to protest when her phone buzzed. She discreetly peeked at it - in the secretive way that teenagers do when they have to talk to people, but want to ignore them without looking rude so they can text to their more interesting friends - then began ignoring in earnest when she saw what was written on the small screen.
  "Guys, stop talking. I need to think," she said with unusual briskness. Everyone fell silent as she wrote back. 
  Joanna looked up with tears in her eyes. "We have to get to the wharves fast," she told them. "Erasmus is hurt!"
 The other Cahills stared in shock, then snapped into action and ran after her, rushing out of the building.
  "How bad?" DeLuca asked when they had all piled into Joanna's car.
"He might not make it," she replied as she lurched out of the parking lot. 

Leo and Big Hair:

  Big Hair's boyish expression of glee annoyed Leo. But he stood helplessly as the small Vesper tied his hands together and escorted him into one of the official Vesper cars, a black SUV. He tossed Leo in the back seat and hopped in the front.
  "Where are we going?" Leo asked as the Vesper put the car into gear. He began to work his knife out of his pocket.
  "Not your problem," Big Hair answered. Leo thought he could detect a faint British accent.
  They turned onto the road and headed west - away from the Canadian border. That's good, Leo thought. Few countries would accept his passport anymore.
  "Vesper One doesn't want Jonah dead," Leo commented. "So why are you trying to kill him?"
  "Oh come on! You've got to live while you're young. I'm not wasting my time on doing everything he says."
  Leo suddenly sat up and pressed his pocketknife into Big Hair's throat. "Pull over!"
  Big Hair pulled over, but not in the conventional sense. Tires screeching, he swerved off the road and flipped the SUV onto its top. When everything stopped spinning, he twisted around in his seat. "You scared me, man!"
  Leo snorted in disgust. "Apparently. What are we going to do now?"
  They got out of the totaled car, carefully avoiding glass from the shattered windows. Standing up, Leo looked around him at the seemingly endless forest on either side.
  A huge war is about to break loose, and where am I?
Leo thought cynically. Stranded in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness.
  "Well... this should be interesting," Big Hair quipped.

Evan, Ian, DeLuca and Erasmus:

  On the other side of the world, Ian, Evan, and DeLuca sat tensely as Joanna careened the rented minivan through the streets of Florence. Everyone was worried and silent.
  Finally, they reached the address Jonah had given them. Evan and Deluca smashed down the locked door, and the four of them charged into the dark building.
   "Split up!" Joanna commanded, and they began to search each room for their friends. When they finally found them, Joanna gave a cry of despair.
  Erasmus lay in a puddle of blood on the floor, while Luna Amato, a known Vesper, sat slumped in a chair. Hamilton was attempting to bandage the hole in the wounded man's chest, and Jonah stood dumbly in the corner with a gun in his hand.
  Ian sat down beside Hamilton on the floor. "Is he alive?" Ham asked.
The Lucian bent his head and listened for a heartbeat. "No," he replied sadly.
  Joanna quickly rounded up her two charges and took them to the minivan.
"Go ahead and get a taxi!" She yelled to DeLuca as she shut the door behind her.
  The instant she left, Ian leaped into action.
"DeLuca!" he called. "Get one of your Entertainer friends over here as fast as you can!"
  "Wha..." DeLuca was confused.
"He's still alive!"
  Evan Tolliver stared at Ian. "Why would you tell them he was dead then?!"
Ian ignored him and they listened nervously as DeLuca called the Entertainer Headquarters.
  As their car neared the Entertainer HQ, Evan Deluca felt himself relaxing. The place had a homey feeling to it, and it hadn't changed a bit since he'd been gone. There was warm light pouring from the windows, and the Entertainer flag - a stripe of black, a band of gray, and a stripe of white at the end - fluttered proudly from its small flagpole. And as they stepped out and hurried to get Erasmus inside, DeLuca smelled the rich scent of coffee from the small bean roasting company next door.
  Unfortunately, there was no time to linger, and Ian yelled at him to hurry up. Together they took the stretcher to the mini-hospital that DeLuca remembered quite well.
  "There aren't many people here," Evan Tolliver remarked uneasily.
"Yes, almost everyone is off in a remote corner of the world, trying to disable the electromagnets," their driver spoke up.
  "Electromagnets?!" Evan asked.
"Never mind. Right now let see if we can stabilize Erasmus." She turned around and began riffling through a drawer. "See if you can find some thick gauze."
  A sense of foreboding filled Ian. "Um... where is the doctor?"
The girl smiled grimly at him. "He's out."
  "What?" Ian exploded. "Erasmus is bleeding out, and the only doctor we have is a blue haired, fourteen-year-old kid?"
The girl punched him in the jaw and he went down in a heap. "I turn fifteen in two months," she informed him. "And my hair is not blue, it's highlighted!"
  Everyone got to work. As DeLuca was removing the shuriken from Erasmus' rib, he spoke for the first time since they'd arrived. "You're new here, right?" he asked the girl. She nodded. Deluca smiled. "Wonderful! What's your name?"
  She grinned. "You can call me Katherine."

Leo and Big Hair:

  Leo and Big Hair had been wandering along the side of the road for hours. They hadn't seen any cars. Finally, Leo spoke.
"Hey, what's your real name? 'Big Hair' is sort of an embarrassing alias. It sounds a little... ridiculous."
  Big Hair glared, but seeing the truth of Leo's statement, he gave in. "My real name is Harry," he said.
"Cool. Wait!" Leo stopped. "Is this a driveway?"
  They both stared at the small lane that had separated from the highway.
"It could be another logging trail," Harry said doubtfully.
  Leo began to walk along it, and Harry followed. In a few hundred feet, it was apparent that it wasn't a logging road. At the end, they could see a small cottage. Harry began to run toward it, but Leo caught him. "Stop!" he hissed. "Who knows what might be in there?"
  They walked silently. When they were quite close, a teenage girl in jeans and a sweater opened the front door. Seeming not to notice them, she walked to a large woodpile at the side of the house and began putting it in a wheelbarrow.
  "Hello," Leo began.
The person whirled around, drawing a knife from her belt. Harry dove for cover, but Leo was frozen in place. He recognized this girl...
  "Makenzie!" cried an ancient, creaky voice, "put that down!"
Leo turned and saw a very old lady standing on the porch steps. She grinned toothlessly when she saw his face.
  "Why, Leo! How nice to see you again!" she exclaimed.
  "I really have no idea who you are," Leo remarked as he was shown into the house. The old lady, who had been introduced as Madz (or Mackenzie’s)' grandmother, gave a wheezing old laugh.
  "No, that you wouldn't," she told him. "You were unconscious and nigh on dead when I met you."
  Leo racked his brain. He could think of many times like that...
  "I was down in Montana then," she supplied. "But the winters got so hot! They say winters are hard on old people, but I ...."
Leo drank a cup of hot cocoa and listened to her ramble on. He relaxed in the warmth of the kitchen. At the other end of the table, Harry had been trying to talk to Madz, but she ignored him aloofly, preferring to work on a small wood carving. She looked up abruptly.
  "How long are you staying?" she asked Leo.
"Well," he said, "I need to get back to the states as soon as the Vespers make a move, but there isn't really any way to know when that happens here." He indicated his phone, which hadn't had any bars since the gas station.
  "Oh, you don't need to worry about that," Madz' grandmother told them. "I've got internet!"
"Really?" Leo asked skeptically. She jumped up from the table and was back quickly with a laptop.
  "How did you get internet here?" Harry asked. Leo saw Madz' mouth tighten.
"That Gideon satellite." Leo looked up at her in astonishment. "Well yes," she told him, "I don't ever take sides, but I'm a Madrigal. And I'm not about to pass up a chance for free, reliable internet!"
  "I suppose that settles it then," Leo said, leaning back in his chair. "We'll stay here as long as you can stand us."

At Entertainer HQ:

  Erasmus, DeLuca, Ian, Evan and Katherine were the only people in the massive Entertainer building. As Erasmus healed, Katherine and Deluca trained Ian and Evan. They progressed well. After a week of assessment, they completed the Test, with some of Ian's greatest fears were cats, sweaters shrinking, and stagnant pond water, while Evan's were things like running with scissors, heights, and grasshoppers. Both passed with flying colors.
  Every day, Katherine would send emails to Leo and Carlo, telling them how things were. Carlo was working underground in Loa Angeles.
  One day, as she checked her emails, she hit upon one that sent chills of excitement and fear down her spine. She ignored the other, seemingly unimportant reports, such as the one about all of the Authors had met in a resort in Nevada, and about the continuing insubordination of Casper, Cheyenne, and other Vespers. Here was some real news! She called Carlo on his cell.
  "Amy gave the Vespers the Madrigal ring!" she told him breathlessly. "We need to start moving now!" Then she hung up and began spreading the news to the other Entertainers.

In Alaska:

  As soon as Leo got Katherine's email, he hurried into the small guest room he shared with Harry, and found the Vesper sprawled on the bottom bunk - his bunk. After rudely pushing him off, Leo retrieved the pre-packed carpet bag from under his bed and hurried into the living room.
  "Goodbye!" he called, heading for the door.
  Unfortunately, Madz' grandmother was not going to let him go without giving him a hug, a sandwich for lunch, and a bottle of water, which gave Madz and Harry time to collect their wits. When Leo finally hugged the old lady goodbye, the two Vespers stood accusingly in front of the door.
  "You can't leave us here!" Madz told him. "There's only one extra car."
"I know," Leo retorted. "But you guys are sort of on the other side. I thought you'd noticed that by now?"
  Madz bristled. "You were a Vesper too once! You're not allowed to judge us. Plus, as an Entertainer, you are neutral, right?" She was pleased to see Harry's jaw drop at her revelation.
  "Man! You were a Vesper? Come back and join the Dark Side! We have coo-"
  "I've already heard about the perks," Leo replied, "and I'm certainly not joining." He sighed. "But I suppose you can ride with me, this once."
  The Vespers packed hurriedly, and soon they all were on the road, headed towards the nearest airport.

Entertainer HQ:

  The scene at the Entertainer HQ was a flurry of excited packing. Joanna called from her hotel to say that Jonah and Hamilton were ready to head back to the states, and as soon as they were ready, Joanna drove the minivan over to the hotel to pick them up.
  When the boys got in, Katherine was arguing with Erasmus. She felt that his week of recuperation had not been nearly long enough for him to be ready to fight the Vespers. Jonah cut her short by giving Erasmus a bear hug, and laughing with hysterical happiness. "Yo! How are you? Last time I saw you, you were dead!"
  They progressed to the airport, where Evan's phone rang. Ben was calling from the C.C.C., telling him that he needed to get out of wherever he was and head to Washington to pick up Phoenix.
  "This is the best day ever!" Jonah yelled when Evan told him the news. Hamilton and Evan were also excited, but among the other travelers, the mood was more subdued. The more hardened warriors knew better.
  Some of them might not survive the coming battle.

The Ominous Tetrad:

  While all of this frantic activity was happening around the world, something quieter, but just as important, was happening in a resort lobby in Nevada.
  Four people dressed in formal black clothing sat in fuzzy couches, facing each other.
A woman with red, extremely curly hair spoke first. 
  "Well, this didn't really go as planned," she remarked wanly.
"No, it certainly didn’t, Judy," snapped the thin Asian woman across from her.
  One of the men tried to intervene. "I'm sure we can figure out some kind of ending," he said cautiously.
  The Asian lady glared at him. "Gordon, be realistic. We cannot fabricate something completely!" she stormed. "There would be a mistake! People would sound totally out of character! And what if the Vespers win?"
  The man who had been silent suddenly sat up. "Linda, you must calm down. There is only one possible solution to this." He took out his laptop, and waited for the others to do the same. He had their complete attention. "Instead of telling what happens, this time," - he paused dramatically - "We are going to make things happen the way we want them to."
  There were nods of agreement all around. The four began making phone calls, writing emails, and planning.
To the people walking through the lobby, it looked perfectly innocent.
  But in reality, they were the worst enemies the Entertainers had.

Somewhere in Idaho:

  Leo looked out the window of the swiftly moving Amtrak at the jagged scenery around him. The stark, impersonal mountains reminded him of a time in his past... a time he had tried desperately to forget.
  Trying to ignore the troubling future, and hoping to forget painful former times, he did a quick check on the other passengers on the train.
  Many were Entertainers. Calypso was staying with Amy, Dan, Jake and Atticus in the coach ahead of him, while near him he saw Ben and Irena, listening attentively to an audiobook, Murder on the Orient Express. Leo smiled at the fitting choice.
  Joanna had gone with Ian, Evan, Ham and Jonah to Washington, where they hoped to pick up Phoenix. Erasmus had wanted to go, but Joanna had assured him she could handle things herself. Katherine and DeLuca were sitting across from him, talking animatedly about something. Madz and Harry had disappeared as soon as their plane had touched down in Billings.
  Leo turned his attention to the only other people in the coach; four heavily clothed adults who sat as far away as they could from everyone else, but watched everything that went on. He suspected that they were Vespers.
  "Hey," a voice broke through his speculations, and he looked up to see that DeLuca had risen and was talking to him.
"What is it?" Leo demanded nervously.
  "Oh, nothing urgent. Katherine was just wondering where we are. I thought you would know since you're always on top of things."
  Leo checked his laptop. "We should be passing through Pocatello, Idaho in a few hours." He checked his email. "And Carlo just wrote. He says our target area is around Craters of the Moon National Monument."
  "Wow, I've never hear of it."
"It is pretty secluded, and the railroad going there isn't used a lot."
  "Sounds like a perfect Vesper base!" Katherine piped up excitedly.
"We should get there by tonight," Leo told her. He felt apprehensive, and the feeling only increased when he tried to call Joanna, Ian, and Evan, only to find that their phones were disabled.
  Well, he thought, that's disconcerting. But if they're alive, we'll probably meet up with them soon. That sort of coincidence seems to happen a lot with these Cahills...

  Leo was awakened by a bump in the night.
Struggling out of the small Amtrak bunk, he made his way to the door. He opened it to find Irena, poised to knock again.
  "What is going on?" he asked. By this time he was fully alert.
Остановился поезд!" Irena gasped excitedly.
  "What?" Leo remembered she was prone to slipping into Russian when she was agitated.
"The train has stopped!" She translated. "The time has come!"
  With that, she rushed away, leaving Leo to hurriedly get dressed and armed with several knives and his small but powerful gun. As he grabbed a coat and ran out of his compartment, a huge amount of adrenaline surged through his body.
  He met up with the others in the corridor, then they all stepped silently out into the frigid, dripping tunnel.

The Entertainers protecting the Hostages:

  As the Entertainers were breaking into one end of the Vesper complex, the hostages were trying to get out as fast as they could.
  Ian, Evan, Hamilton, Jonah and DeLuca had been captured when they went to pick up Phoenix. Ian had been puzzled at first that they had only been guarded by Casper, Cheyenne, and Sandy, but soon realized that their captors were simply a facade and whoever had ordered them kidnapped had wanted them to escape. He was assured that his theory was right when he was shown a video of Isabel pleading for his help. Clearly there was something strange going on.
  After they had jounced for several hours, they had schemed a rather simple escape. The tools to help them had been generously strewn about in the van. The Cahills had knocked out the Vesper guards and escaped, only to find themselves inside a huge building. They were searching hurriedly for a way out.
  "This is really weird," Hamilton commented quietly so the hostages couldn't hear. He didn't want to make them even more worried. "All of it seems too easy. It's like they are leading us on."
  "You didn't conclude that before?" Ian sniffed contemptuously. "Certainly Vesper One is dictating all of our moves, just like he does Amy and Dan's. But there is nothing we can really do but go along with it."
  DeLuca had been holding up the rear, making sure the exhausted hostages didn't fall or simply stop in the middle of the hallway. He called out to the others to stop. "Do you hear voices up ahead?" he asked in a whisper.
 The Attacking Entertainers:

 Meanwhile, Joanna had just had a very similar feeling.
"I hear someone too," Katherine said, "but I think they've stopped."
  "Keep your weapons ready and go forward," Leo commanded. They did so, very slowly and quietly...
"Hey! It's Hamilton!" Joanna rushed forward and gave him a bear hug.
  Any remaining tension was dissipated as the friends in one group recognized friends in the other. There was a very joyful reunion.
  "Where are Amy and Dan?" Nellie asked after everyone had quieted down.
Leo became somber once again. "They are up ahead somewhere with Calypso, along with the Rosenblooms," he told her. "We need to catch up with the as soon as we can. Who knows what is happening up there?"
  The Cahills and Entertainers continued through the dark tunnels. It was several minutes before they heard the distinctive whirring of the Doomsday machine, and several more before they saw the bright light that indicated the room it was kept in. After reconnoitering, they strode in boldly, halting when they saw Amy, Dan, Jake and Atticus already there.
  But unfortunately those weren't the only people in the room.
  Sitting in front of the fearsome creation were five people. One of them was obviously Vesper One, for he sat on a large, comfy La-Z Boy, while the others were on metal folding chairs. Vesper One began to speak, for the first time without his voice distorter.
  "Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming. Now, my friends here have something to tell you all..."
There was a collective gasp as the Cahills and Entertainers looked closely at the other people. They were familiar.
  "I present to you the powerful and just Authors of the Cahills Vs. Vespers series."


  Meanwhile, Isabel Kabra had just happened upon an exciting discovery.
  She had been sifting through Dan's stolen backpack when she'd noticed a small glass vial filled with a reddish-brown liquid.
  The Serum! Had been her first thought, but the color was wrong. She opened it tentatively and took a sniff. It smelled right...
Without further hesitation, she opened the stopper all the way and drank the whole thing. At first, nothing happened. Then...

Cahills, Vespers and Entertainers:

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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