FanFic 3/12

  "What's up, Aunt Irena?"
Still hearing no answer, he looked up.
  He found himself staring directly into the barrel of a gun.
"Don't move."
   The person in the dark but ordinary clothing was deadly serious.
Do you have to think 'deadly'? Ben moaned inwardly. I'm too scared to even appreciate the pun!
  The gun was definitely not a laughing matter.
"Okay," Ben squeaked, in a voice that sounded unfamiliar.
  "Good." Mysterious Person #1 motioned for Ben to follow him. The other person stepped in behind, completely blocking off Ben's escape route.
Ben thought about yelling for help as they went by room #105, which was Irena's. The person behind him jabbed him in the ribs with their gun, quickly dissipating that thought.
   What in the world did I get myself into? Wondered Ben as they exited the hotel, stepping into the frigid night air. He wondered if he would ever see his parents or Aunt Irena again.
  "It's cold out here! You could have at least let me bring a coat!" He said, trying to sound insulted and brave.
  "You won't need one where you’re going," smirked the person behind him. "You'll be warm as toast."
   Ben was shoved into a black sedan.
It's always a black sedan, isn't it? He thought wryly, despite the tense situation. Then the driver spoke.
  "Where to, Vesper 6?"
"You idiot! Do you think I want the hostage to know?"
  "Well, sis, it's not like he can tell anyone," soothed the other kidnapper.
"Where are you taking me?!" Ben screeched.
  "Hush, child. Take a nap," purred V6, pushing a cloth up to Ben's face. He tried to resist, but soon he had to breathe. Then the world went black.


  Irena shut her book. This one had been interesting. Reading of one's death often is, she thought with a smile. Then she saw the clock. 11:00? How can it be that late?
  She realized she had not heard Ben return. He's probably talking to a girl or some such thing, she reflected. But in her gut, something didn't feel right. And her gut was seldom wrong.
   I'll just go check on him. I probably was too busy reading to hear him come back.
But when she got into the room, she knew that was not the case.
  There was a printed note on Ben’s pillow.

Dear Irena,
don't worry about your dear little nephew. He is in good hands. All you have to do is tell us who the Madrigals are and where there Stronghold is, and you will get him back, safe and sound.
And don't try to tell the cops, or your Lucian friends. If we burn, you burn with us. (But we have aluminum fire suits. You do not.)
 May the odds be ever in your favor.

Cheers, Vesper 1

The first thought that came to Irena was, Why is Vesper One using such strange phrases? They almost sound familiar… Her second though was less a thought than a surge of horror and grief. She had already lost one child to the Vespers! How could this happen again? Then she composed herself. There was work to be done.

Irena, Brooklyn and Nami:

  "Hello?" Namitha answered her phone groggily.
"I need you to come to Siberia immediately." Irena's voice was clear and crisp. "This is an emergency."
"There is a plane to pick you up at the airport. No questions and no packing, just get over here!"
  The young Madrigal could practically hear Irena's eyelid twitching, she sounded that tense.
  "I'm going right now."
  Irena hung up.

  Brooklyn was met with a very rare sight at the Moscow airport when she got out of the plane. Irena was waiting on a bench outside the door. Her shoulders were slumped dejectedly, and a single tear was frozen to the end of her nose.
She straightened and wiped her nose when she saw Brooklyn coming, and did her best to look commanding once more. But it was obvious that she was shaken.
As Brooklyn approached, she saw that another person had just come from the terminal. A person she recognized.
  "Nami!" she screamed, then rushed over and gave her friend a hug.
"Well, Brooklyn, don't alert the whole airport!" admonished Namitha.
  "Okay. What are we here for, anyway?"
"If you girls are done making a scene, I will tell you," Irena said icily.
  Brooklyn rolled her eyes.
"Ben has been kidnapped by the Vespers."
  The two girls immediately sat up straight.
"Are you serious? Ben? How did they get him?"
  "That's not important. The important thing is we must get to the Lucian base here as soon as we can. That is where my source tells me he is being held."
  "Not there again!" whined Brooklyn.
"Yes there, and you quit pouting. Here is the Shark now."
  They boarded. Irena put on a pair of headphones. "Hello, my old friend," she said, but the girls could not understand, because she spoke in Russian. "Take us to Lucian HQ, please."
  A voice crackled out at her. "What are you thinking of, bringing a known Vesper with you?"
  "She is an honorary Vesper, and a spy for us. Also, she was the only other agent available."
  "I hope she is trustworthy. She could destroy this mission."
"I believe she is. And it is not possible to do it without her."
  "Best of luck," NRR said, then they touched down on the roof of Lucian Headquarters.

Ben’s Rescue Team:

  As Namitha rushed down the plain white halls of Lucian HQ, she had the uneasy feeling she was being watched. Since her Madrigal training had taught her how to locate and disarm security cameras, she should feel safe, because she couldn't see any. But her training had also taught her that in the Cahill world, things were often not what they seemed.
  So she was only slightly surprised when she turned a corner and bumped into a large squad of men in red and black uniforms. There wasn't even time to scream before a tranquillizing dart pierced her neck and put her into a deep sleep.

  Irena Spasky was more careful. She had worked with the Lucians in this very base before and she knew that their surveillance systems were better than the Madrigals could even guess. Her dear cousin NRR could divert them for a while, but nobody could know how long she would manage to keep them at bay.
  "Irena!" gasped Brooklyn, trying to keep up.
"Quiet, child!" hissed Irena, then, ''And that's Comrade Spasky to you!''
  "Comrade Spasky, I can't keep up! Slow down! You're going way too fast!''
  And it was true. Even though Brooklyn was a highly trained Madrigal Agent, Irena was going too fast. Her mind was filled with images of Ben being tortured. Instead of slowing down, she rushed on.
  And that was her mistake, for as she flung open the double doors to the prisoner's cells, she crashed into her least favorite person....
  Isabel Kabra.

Fiske and Mr. McIntire:

  At the Madrigal Control Room on Easter Island, Fiske Cahill opened an ominous email from ''.
  William McIntire read it over his shoulder:

  To whom it may concern at main base:
Comrade Spasky and two other Madrigal Agents have been captured at the Lucian Base in Moscow. Send rescuers immediately.

Then, almost as quickly as the men finished reading the email, a new one appeared:

Isabel Kabra is taking the captives to Cahill Island in Ireland. We need backup!

Mr. McIntire:

  William McIntire was skimming over the Atlantic Ocean at a tremendous speed. Though this helicopter was not in the same class as the Shark, very few people were aware of its existence, and even fewer had ever ridden it.
  For Mr. McIntire, it was as ordinary as the stroll from his home to the office. And he was too busy to even notice the turbulence that was making the pilot turn green. This was in the biggest Madrigal crisis of the century. There was no time for weak stomachs.
  "Hello, Cahill Island Base speaking." Fiske's voice answered McIntire's call.
  "How did you already get there?" asked William.
  "I have my ways. Now let's get down to business. What are you doing about the hostages?"
  "I'm going to call in backup as soon as I'm done talking to you. I think this is a job for the Elite Janus Madrigals."
  "Do you think they will accept?"
William frowned. "I think they may be too powerful when we have to wonder about that."
  "You're right, but they do get things done."
"Yes, I suppose. But I still don't like it."
  "I know. Now you call them. I have work to do. Amy and Dan are coming with all the Clue Hunters on their tail!"
  William hung up and sighed. Then he dialed his cellphone again.

Evan DeLuca:

  "Elite Janus Madrigals, DeLuca speaking!" came a low, crisp, in-charge voice.
"Hello, we have a mission for you."
  "Oh, it's you, Big Mac."
"I find it quite unacceptable for you to call your superior 'Big Mac'."
  "That’s too bad."
  From the computer across the room, Kat snickered. "You thought it was Christine, didn't you?"
  "Shut up."
"It is quite unacceptable for an underling like you to tell-"
  "Chill, Mac! I was talking to Kat."
"Oh." McIntire calmed down a little. "Anyway, you are needed at Cahill Island as fast as you can get there."
  "Will there be a promotion?"
"I will tell you if you succeed."
  "If there isn't a promotion, we're not coming."
"Fine. You can have a promotion."
  Evan hung up.
McIntire ground his teeth. Agents nowadays...

The Elite Janus Madrigal Force:

  As soon as Evan hung up, Christine pushed open the door. She was carrying a latte.
  "Hey, thanks," said Kat, getting up and taking it. "Your bf got a call from Mac. We've got a mission on Cahill Island."
  "My ‘b.f.’? What’s that mean?”
Kat grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at her. "Nothing. I’ve just noticed-"
  "He said we could get a promotion!" Evan broke in, trying to change the subject.
Kat rolled her eyes, but didn't persist. "What we really need," she said, "is a little money. Our base looks like a dump."
  "I like it this way,'' argued Evan. He looked around the small apartment base, with its peeling blue paint and threadbare gray carpet. "It feels sort of ...home-y."
  "You mean homely," countered Kat.
"When is the mission?" asked Christine.
  "Right now!" Evan told her. "Get your evil-fighting clothes on!"
They all rushed to get prepared.

  The taxi pulled over.
"Are you sure this is the place?" asked the driver nervously.
  "Yep,'' answered Evan as he stepped out of the car and held the door for Christine. "Let's go."
"Um, what about paying me first?"
  Evan gave him an icy glare, then thrust a handful of bills at him. The driver's tires squealed as he hastily departed without counting the money.
  "I can see why this place makes him feel jumpy," remarked Kat. "You'd think the Janus could afford a better neighborhood."
Evan ignored her griping and pressed his finger into a camouflaged sensor on a brick wall.
Verified!" crackled a microphone, and a portion of the wall slid back, revealing a flight of stairs.
The three Agents descended them.

The secretary's helpful smile wilted when she met them at the bottom.
  "Why hello, Ev-"
"That's DeLuca to you!" Evan growled, glaring at the secretary. He deeply disliked overly smiley people, and secretaries seemed to be a breed of entirely overly smiley people. "We want to see Cora."
  "She is not available at the moment. The highest in command we have here is Mssr. Wesley Bone."
"I guess we will have to talk to him then."
  The secretary showed them to the office, then quickly departed.

  Evan sized up his surroundings, and Mr. Bone. The office was a cool green, without many furnishings. Unfinished paperwork was overflowing from every drawer.
  Wesley Bone was sitting behind his desk. He had his feet propped on it. His blond hair was neatly buzzed, and he was eating a hotdog. He was wearing atrocious yellow, pointy toed boots.
  "Your name is Evan, I believe. What do you want?"
"First of all, you call me DeLuca. Second, we need a helicopter right now."
  Kat rolled her eyes. She had never been impressed by Evan's shows of bravado. Christine moved some papers off a chair and sat down.
  "Third, why are you wearing those awful boots?"
  Wesley nonchalantly stood up and zapped Evan with a Tazer. Then he turned to Christine.
"You need a helicopter?"
  She nodded, too nervous to speak after what had happened to Evan.
  "Let's go then! And sorry about your friend, I just can't stand a smart-alecky kid." Mr. Bone hoisted Evan over his shoulder and led them out.
  "That was SO funny!" Kat giggled to Christine. "Did you see the look on his face?"
"WHERE IS MY BUMBLEBEE?" shrieked Evan, coming out of his daze.
  "In your head!" retorted Kat.
"Be nice,'' said Christine, then soothed, "don't worry Evan, I have him."
  Just then, Mr. Bone opened a door and cold air blew against them. "We're here!" he called, and they stepped out onto the roof.
"Wow," breathed Christine.


  The smiley secretary's happy face was still rather strained when her young assistant bounded into the lobby.
  "JOANNA! NO RUNNING IN HEADQUARTERS!" she screeched, then more quietly, ''and you are late once again. Why can't you ever-'' The door swung open and she quit yelling at her assistant.
  ''Why Mr. Bone, I didn't expect you so early," she crooned.
  ''That's because I'm not really back yet. I just needed to get my phone.'' he replied.
  "Don't you think you could just stay for quick cup of coffee? We could talk about... has that horrid cousin been bothering you again? Her name was something like... Sienna, wasn't it?''
  "Listen woman, I am fifteen years old! I am not interested in cultivating a relationship with you!"
Joanna, who had been left out of this exchange, was almost as surprised as the secretary (though the secretary blushed and Joanna didn't) because Wesley looked and acted much more mature than fifteen.
  "Oh! I thought you were older than-''
''I'm going now.'' said Wesley, cutting her off.
  "Can I come?" Joanna pounced on the opportunity.
"Sure," he replied.

Fiske and McIntire:

  At Cahill Island, things were getting desperate. McIntire and Fiske, along with several others, were tied up in the graveyard. Fiske had been mulling over the situation. Knowledge is power. Yet nobody on this island knew just what was going on. Nobody, that is, but Isabel Kabra. Yes, decided Fiske, Isabel is wielding total power here. And that is almost the worst thing that could happen. But not quite. The worst thing would come soon, when she would expand that power and have the whole earth in her control.

The Young Clue Hunters:

  The Cahills sealed in the Cahill Island cave had only a dim idea about the horrible things happening outside. Ian and Natalie had informed them that Isabel could be the cause of the explosions, but they had not even a glimmer of an idea of what was to come. Ian was carrying a wounded Jonah Wizard in a makeshift sling, so Natalie slowed down to talk to him.
  "Do you think Mum really is here?" She asked worriedly.
"She could be. But we also need to think about how we are going to keep the treasure away from these people," he reminded her.
  "I have my dart gun, so we could fight it out." She suddenly smiled. "I have been waiting far too long for this. I can't wait! Those orphans will be the first to go."
  "Uh... maybe we could still use the girl..."
"You idiot! Mum was right about that. You do like that Amy!" Natalie was about to continue, then she saw something. "Ian! I think the tunnel ends there! I'm going to run ahead."

Isabel and Prisoners:

  Even as cruel as we all know she is, you would expect Isabel Kabra to show some emotion as she watched her child fall off a sheer cliff wall. But her reaction was only a grim smile, then a sigh when Dan and the other Clue Hunters rescued Natalie.
  "So, you need other Branches to keep you alive now," she snorted. "Disowning you was the right choice.”

  At Isabel's feet, Ben began to stir. "Hey...where am I? Aunt Irena?" Then he opened his eyes. "AGH!"
Isabel sighed again. "Bella, make him be quiet."
  A girl about his age walked quickly over to him and gave him a kick. "Shut up. Now." Ben was about to disobey, then she gave him a glare that froze his blood. "Okay," he whispered. Then he looked at Isabel's monitor and screamed.
  "AUNT IRENA! AND NAMI! AND… Brooklyn?" They were tied to gravestones with the other captives.

Wesley and the Children:

  The Janus helicopter was quiet except the sound of the whirring rotors, roaring engine, and Joanna's ceaseless chatter.
  "Wesley? (It's okay if I call you that right?)" He nodded. "Are we almost there yet? I can't wait! I haven't ever been on a mission before! Is that it?"
  "Yep. Unfasten your seatbelts, ladies." He glanced at Evan. "And the snotty little kid, too."

  Evan stared groggily at the parachute he was being handed.
  "Come on Evan!" Christine cried.
"I don't want to." He mumbled.
  "I'll help you! Please!"
"I can help you with that," Wesley told her, shoving Evan into the parachute and out the door.
  "Can't you be a little more kind to him?" asked Christine.
"Some people need a little extra push," Wesley replied with a smile.

"Augh!" screamed Nellie, sure that the bomb had been set off.
  "Calm down, Nell. Here, have some chocolate."
"Wha... are you serious? Chocolate?" then she recognized the person who had landed on her. "WESLEY!" She gave him a kiss on his cheek.
  "Oh boy, another Wesley-crazed girl," said Kat, rolling her eyes.
"All right guys, time to quit messing around and get to business!" Evan yelled.
  "For once I agree with you," Wesley replied, "let's go!"

Isabel and Prisoners:

  In the control room, Isabel was getting information from her captives. She knew Irena would be impossible, so she was working on Brooklyn.
  "So, Madz," she purred, using Brooklyn’s Vesper name, "or are you Brooklyn?"
"I'm Madz! And a Vesper through and through!"
  "Or are you? It almost seemed like you were trying to save that wimp of a boy."
"Ben is not a wimp! No Madrigal is! And Brooklyn is a true Madrigal!" Nami interrupted.
  "Or is she?" Isabel asked with a creepy grin.
"Are you, Brooks?" Nami asked with pleading eyes.
  "Yes Madz. Which side are you really on?" Her tormenter coaxed.

  "I CAN'T DECIDE! QUIT TASERING ME!" Brooklyn screamed.
"It's one or the other, dear," Isabel told her in a terribly sweet tone. "Pick quickly!"
   Her victim answered with a moan.
"Hey," the sullen Vesper assistant said. "The enemy is almost at the target site."
  "I'll finish with you later!" Isabel warned the captives.

The Captives and Bella Archer:

As soon as she left, the assistant bent down and spoke into Brooklyn's ear. "Vesper or Cahill?"
  Brooklyn hesitated, then whispered, "Vesper."
"You're staying here then," the mysterious girl said, and untied Irena and Nami.
  "You're really a Vesper?" Nami asked, her eyes filling with tears.
"Yes. But I'll still be your friend."
  "I can't meet with a known Vesper and still be a Madrigal!"
"We can be allies on the Message Board, I guess."
  "It won't be the same!"
"I know but-"
  "Hey! We've got to get going! Isabel could come back any second!" Isabel’s strange helper urged.
  "Bye, Brooklyn."
  Namitha followed Irena and their strange rescuer. Madz waved weakly to her and she waved back.

Isabel Shines:

  Isabel strode boldly through the ancient back passages and new rubble from the explosives. She shoved one of her bodyguards aside. "You wait here!" she snapped.
  It was her day to shine. She had waited too long for this moment. She stepped into the laboratory to confront the brats.
"Hello, fellow Cahills," she said, smirking. "Please put those ridiculous torches in the sink." She held a gun on them as they obeyed. "Now let's hear all the clues you've collected."

Irena, Ben, Nami and Bella:

  Irena, Ben and Nami followed the fake Vesper through the winding passageways.
"Where are we going?'' asked Nami.
  "You'll see when we get there. Now please be quiet,'' Bella replied.
Namitha shrugged. Apparently the grouchy attitude was not an act. Then their guide stopped, nearly causing a pile-up.
  "We have to drop through this hole, then we'll be outside," whispered Bella. "Don't let anyone see you. There will be a boat waiting. Hurry!"
 "What about Brooklyn?" asked Nam.
"She'll be fine. Now go!"
  The freed captives rushed to safety. As the boat plowed through the waves, Namitha looked back on Cahill Island.
"Goodbye, Brooklyn," she whispered.

The Clue Hunters are Captive:

  "...and tin." Hamilton recited.
''You think you can fool me?" screeched Isabel.
  ''What do you mean?" Sweat was dripping off the Holt's nose.

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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