FanFic 4/12

  "I do not know you. You need to pay before you get in."
"I know the customary procedure," he replied, "however, I am a friend of Ezio, and I am doing a favor for him."
  The driver hastened to unlock the door. "Oh! In that case, I will be happy to assist you!"
  Ezio was an important mob leader in this slum. Or used to be, reflected the passenger, stepping into the car. Ezio had expired under strange circumstances last night, when a friend had gotten into an argument with him. The mobster had somehow fallen from a tall window.
  But the driver will not learn of that for several hours, and by then I'll be in the States, Leo thought with a grim smile.

   The next morning, Leo stepped out of his new hotel room. He was dressed in a black suit, dark sunglasses, and a fedora. As he entered the lobby, he glared at the smiling lady at the desk. He was still bitter from last night, when he was told he would have to pay for his room before he used it. He, like Evan, never trusted people who smiled all the time. But he went to the desk and, still scowling, asked for directions to the local airport.
  "Well, let me see... I think you turn at the oak tree at the end of the block, then you drive north until you get to a big red barn-"
  Leo cut her short. "We are not in a third world country anymore, signora. There are street signs. Please give me real directions."
  The woman froze. "Um... I'll get my manager and he can give you directions."
"Thank you."
  The manager equipped Leo with a map and some directions. The trip to the airport was uneventful. When he arrived, he boarded the first flight he could find to Bozeman, Montana.
    In flight, he received a phone call.
"What do you want?" he demanded, then he recognized the number and relaxed.
  "Hello, Leo. How are you doing?"
"Fine, thank you."
  "On the case! Leo, this is not a joking matter!"
"Oh." He feigned ignorance. "Now I remember. Well, I have information and I'm following it up. That's all I can tell you on the phone." He hung up.

  On the other end, Irena slammed the phone down in frustration. Christine and Evan looked up quickly from their game of chess. Kat continued to stare vacantly at the computer.
  "He will not give me answers. This waiting will kill me!"
When no one replied, she dialed again, this time Ian's number. "Still disconnected," she spat. "What can he be up to?"


  At that moment, he was sitting in a vintage movie theatre by Amy Cahill, who was trying to decode the movie with her Korean dictionary.
  "Do you think that just meant, 'My son is in danger' or 'Help me eat these noodles before they come'?" She asked.
"I don't know," he replied. I don't care, he thought. But I do enjoy sitting here by you.
  He smiled at her.
She smiled back.


  At the Bozeman airport, Leo stepped into the ever-present eastern-Montana wind. As usual, he'd taken his single bag with him, so there was less chance of it being damaged or stolen.
  There was a car waiting for him outside the terminal - a bright purple Taurus. I'm starting to feel uneasy about this informant, he thought, looking at the horrific color and design. Then he got in.
   His driver eyed him coolly, then started the car and drove away. There was utter silence as neither of them made a sound. Leo had never been very chatty, and didn't care in the least if it made him seem anti-social. Then the driver spoke.
  "Why are you here? I only picked you up because Irena asked me to."
Leo looked at the short girl, brown-haired in the driver's seat with appreciation. She didn't beat around the bush.
  "You needn't worry about that."
"I would like to know what your name is."
  "Leo. What's yours?"
"Bella Archer."


  At headquarters, Kat was still sitting at the computer. She was so tired that she wasn't even doing anything on it anymore, just staring. Christine came in and sat down beside her, handing her a cup of tea.
 "You really should go to bed, Kat." she said after a minute. "You're not helping find Ben by just sitting here."
"I haven't been doing nothing!'' Kat replied, her grammar suffering from lack of sleep. "I've been trying to see why the Vespers want this painting so badly. It doesn't seem that special to me! Not important enough to endanger Ben for!" She looked like she might cry.
  "Come on Kat. You're very tired."
Kat sighed and stood up, un-kinked her back, and laid down on the couch.
  She was asleep in seconds.

An hour later, the Janus Madrigals in France finally made some progress.
  "I think I found something!" Evan shouted.
"What?" Kat sat up on the couch.
  "Look right here on the bookshelf on this far left book. There is a really faint outline of a mountain!"
Kat looked at it critically. "It could just be a coincidence."
  "But that's not all! Look!"
Evan opened a new tab and Googled searched for the image.
"Now look at this!'' He pointed to a picture of a mountain. "It's the same one!"
  "I don't think so. The French Revolution was before Louis and Clark explored the Rocky Mountains, so the artist would have no way of knowing about this particular mountain. Plus, it doesn't even say which mountain it is!"
  "The Cahills were very good at knowing things before the rest of the world," Christine ventured. She also noticed there was a faint green glow above the mountain in the painting.
  "Both of you are being delusional." Kat said firmly, rolling her eyes.
"Enough!" Evan yelled.
  The girls stared at him.
  "I'm tired of you insulting me, Kat! If you are going to be this way, I can rescue Ben by myself!"
  He went into his office and slammed the door.
"I think you were a little harsh," Christine ventured.
  "What an idiot!" was Kat's response.
   As soon as the door closed behind him, Evan had formulated a plan. He was sick and tired of sitting around arguing with Kat. It was time for action!
  He packed his bag, then opened the window. He dropped out, picked up his backpack, and headed for Janus HQ.


  Ben gritted his teeth as blinding light filled his eyes. He sat up and looked around.
  He was greeted with a bright and cheery (but somewhat fixed) smile of a waitress carrying a Coke. He jerked back, then realized it was a mural on the wall. Looking around further, he could see that he was in one of his favorite places: a KFC.
  Well, at least I'm in the best state, he thought. Then he realized someone was talking to him.
  "Hey kid, get up," a squeaky voice commanded. "We've got to secure you before this place opens."
  Ben got to his feet carefully and followed the person. He realized they were actually younger than him, and looked rather familiar. He suddenly placed him: Jason Villa, a known Vesper.
  Then he was shoved into a small room and the door was locked behind him.
I might as well look around, he decided.
  He stood up and walked over to the window and stared, shocked.
Instead of a warm, sunny Kentucky day, he was greeted with a stark, bleary scene. Tall evergreens surrounded the chain restaurant. They were bowing under huge heaps of snow, which was also swirling around in front of the glass.
  Ben groaned. This KFC definitely was not in Kentucky. He looked around a bit more, and decided that he must be in an office. Riffling through the papers in the desk, he found what he dreaded: a map of Montana, the land of hillbillies, cowboys, and snow.
  Yuck, he thought. Well, at least I probably won't be here long. Either Irena will find me or the Vespers will kill me.


  Leo and Bella drove into Bozeman early in the morning after driving in shifts all night. Leo had actually spoken to her a bit, which was unusual for him. Now he pulled over at a coffee shop.
  "Do you want anything?" he asked.
  "Yes, I like my coffee  black." Bella replied. Leo smiled as he went into the store. She had good taste in coffee.

  Meanwhile, Evan DeLuca walked stiffly into the Janus Stronghold. He was not looking forward to this.
  "What do you want?"
He strode through the door to an office.
  "Hello, Mr. Bone. I would like to use the helicopter."
Wesley looked up from the endless paperwork on his desk and frowned.
He looked back at his work and ignored Evan.
  "Fine. I'll do find a different way." Evan sniffed.
He shut the door and left the building.
  When he got outside, he flagged a taxi for the airport.
  The drive was uneventful. He checked his Blackberry and found messages from Christine and Irena asking where he was. He ignored them both and walked into the terminal. Taking a door marked 'Employees Only' he walked up several stories of stairs and entered the room where the PA system was used. He calmly ordered everyone to leave the room.
  "Espece d'idot, tu ne vois pas que nous sommes occupes?" an employee asked incredulously.
Evan slipped a gun out from under his coat and pointed it at the speaker.
  "Sortir maintenant." he replied.
Everyone cleared out of the room and Evan picked up a speaker.
  "I need flight 451's passengers and staff to stay where they are. That plane has been commandeered for important business." He then repeated the message in French.
  Then he walked back through the terminal and outside to where his transportation awaited him.

E.M.J.F. and Irena:

  Meanwhile, Kat, Irena and Christine were watching the news while waiting for the Janus, who were looking for information on Evan.
  They gasped simultaneously when his face appeared on the screen.
''... this person is suspected of stealing a jet from the Paris airport. He was reported to be wearing a gray shirt with some kind of symbol on it. If you know him, please contact-''
  Irena turned off the T.V. They sat in silence for a while, then Kat remarked, "Well. I suppose it won't be hard to keep track of him now. It’s awful hard to miss a STOLEN JET!"
  Christine started to cry.


  Evan peered confusedly at the control panel.
"What does this do?" he asked the frightened-looking co-pilot.
  ''Uh... I think it turns on the emergency flashers,'' he said uncertainly.
''Hey! Those should be useful!'' Evan cried, and flipped the switch. ''How about this button?''
  The copilot cringed and resigned himself to a long, hair raising journey.


  ''So,'' Leo started, then paused.
''What?'' asked Bella.
  ''Nothing important. I was just thinking that maybe I should have your contact information. In case I needed you for anything.''
Bella gave him a suspicious glance. ''Why would you need that?''
  ''Nevermind.'' Leo turned and looked out the window.
Bella didn’t respond.


 Irena, Christine and Kat sat disconsolately watching TV. Irena was also tracking Evan's progress on her modified Blackberry GPS.
 ''I hope he'll be okay,'' Christine said quietly.
''It doesn't look like he's crashed yet.'' Kat was feeling very grumpy.
  ''I wish you would shut up,'' Christine informed her.
  ''Please don't fight, girls.'' Irena sighed. She wasn't used to this. Normally, she would find some way to work secretly, but she couldn't risk hurting Ben, no matter what. ''I know how you feel. Maybe we should do something interesting here. We're in Paris, right? Let's go.''


    Madz sighed and squirmed. When she'd joined the Vespers, she hadn't thought her job would consist of sitting there staring at the computer all day, watching Cahills in their everyday life. Her supervisor walked up and looked over her shoulder.
  ''Is Mrs. Rosenberg doing anything today?'' she asked.
''No, Whitney,'' Madz grumbled. Her subject for the last few days had been the infamous Cahill spy. Unknown to history, Ethel Rosenberg had escaped the electric chair in 1953 and was living in a rest home. It was a very interesting story, but the old spy didn't really do interesting things anymore.
  ''Where's Bella? I haven't seen her in days.''
''I think she got called in for an important mission.'' Madz lied. Bella had actually asked her to cover for her while she visited relatives or something. Madz was starting to wonder when she'd get back.
  ''I really need to concentrate,'' she told her annoying supervisor. ''I think Ethel is getting up!''
  Maybe she'll even do something crazy, like go DOWNSTAIRS AND PLAY BINGO! Madz thought bitterly. Being a Vesper was a lot more boring than she had thought.


  Ben groped around in the top drawer of the desk and sighed. No more rubber bands. This rubber band ball would never fulfill his long held dream - creating the largest ever! And now, more importantly, he had absolutely nothing to do.
  The door banged open, causing him to catch his fingers in the drawer as he jumped up. As he extracted them, he recognized the visitor. It was Jason Villa, with an unappetizing plate of cold KFC chicken.
  ''It's all you're getting in this place,'' he snarled when he saw Ben's expression. ''Eat up.'' Then he closed the door.
Ben looked at the food, then began a ink-dot mural on the drab office wall. He wondered if the Vespers, boredom, or greasy food would kill him first. Probably the food.


  Wesley was probably the worst off. He had a long, tiresome report on the lineage of Leonardo da Vinci, and the walls seemed ready to close in on him. He'd been at the office since 5:oo a.m., and he wasn't a morning person. He drowned his cup of coffee in zero-calorie sweetener and fat-free creamer, knowing that it would take the caffeine content down, but he did so hate the taste of black coffee. He looked out the window and sighed.
  Then his cellphone beeped.
So did Irena's,
and Ian’s.
  It was a text that would determine all of their futures, in great (and perhaps horrible) ways.

Leo and Bella:

Leo and I ran into a bit of trouble and we need some backup. Be here as soon as you can.

Bella sent the text, then turned back to Leo.
  ''This is not good.''
''Nope. What now?''
  Bella sighed. Her plan had been going so well, and now this had happened.
After driving for several hours, Bella had been at the place where she knew from her spying that Ben was being held. But when she'd walked into the isolated KFC and told the bored-looking guy at the counter the password, he had looked at her coldly and dialed his cell phone. Bella had grabbed Leo's hand and pulled him outside. Now they were sitting outside in her car and wondering what to do next.
  Then the cop car pulled up behind them.
''I think this just got worse,'' Leo remarked.

  E.M.J.F., Irena, and Wesley:

  Kat, Irena and Christine were mildly surprised when they learned that their pilot was someone they knew. As they stepped into the plane from Janus Headquarters, Wesley greeted them.
  ''Hey Wes, great to see you!'' Christine said politely.
''Great to see you guys too,'' he agreed.
  ''Enough talking! Come on. We need to get going!'' Irena snapped.
Everyone sat down and Wesley took off.
  Little did any of them know, one of their number would never return.

Leo and Bella:

  Blue and red lights flashed around Bella's car. The policeman walked crisply to her window.
  ''Illegal parking,'' he informed them coldly. ''You'll have to come with me.''
  ''First of all,'' Bella retorted, ''Parking in front of a KFC during business hours is not illegal. Secondly,'' she revved up the motor, ''step side, Vesper scum!''
  Bella made an illegal u-turn and crashed into the front of the KFC. Glass showered everywhere as she and Leo bolted from the totaled Taurus and rushed into the restaurant. Leo grabbed his precious carpet bag before he escaped.
  ''I've always wanted to do that,'' he laughed.
''Well, I'm glad it didn't scare you to much!'' Bella cracked a smile for the first time in months. She stopped running and turned to him. ''I thought a hitman like you would be accustomed to it.''
  Leo rolled his eyes and shifted his blue bag from one hand to the other. ''It's assassin, not hitman. And no, I don't usually do cool stuff like that. Mostly I just sit around watching a window until I see my target, then I terminate him.''
  ''How much do you get paid?'' Bella asked.
''Tons,'' Leo replied. ''I bet you would like it.''
  ''Maybe we could go into business together?'' she suggested.
''That would be nice,'' ventured Leo. ''But hey! We need to get going before that Vesper policeman catches up to us!''
  ''Oh yeah, that might be a good idea.'' Bella agreed, and they both started running again.


    ''How is Mrs. Rosenberg today?'' the Supervisor asked in a pleasant voice.
''Same as last time you asked.'' growled Madz.
  ''It sounds like you need an attitude adjustment,'' her superior informed her. ''I suppose it's just as well then. Vesper One would like to see you.''
  ''Really?'' Madz was excited and terrified at the same time. The only time she'd seen the legendary person was her initiation ceremony, and then V1 had not spoken to her. Now she was thrilled. Maybe I'll even get promoted out of this STINKING JOB, she thought joyfully.
  As she was escorted to the door she fairly skipped. She posed giddily for the x-ray machine (people seeing the Vesper leader must pass rigorous inspection) then silently stepped into Vesper one's office.
''I have heard so much about you, Madz.'' The voice coming from within Vesper one's featureless mask sounded as though it was being disguised through a voice changing machine.
  ''I'm honored, Vesper one.'' Madz replied softly.
''What can you tell me about your friend Bella Archer.'' Vesper one spoke coldly, without any hint of emotion.
  Madz' mind froze in terror.


  ''Hey! Who are you guys?'' Ben was startled when Bella grabbed him and started dragging him along.
''Shut up!'' Leo hissed. ''We need to at least try to get outside without being caught, so you need to be quiet!''
  ''Okay,'' Ben said skeptically, ''so why are you here?''
''I told you to be quiet.'' Leo was getting annoyed.
  ''Well I sort of want to know what's going on! Nobody has been telling me anything!''
  ''If you don't stop talking I will knock you out,'' Leo told him between clenched teeth.
  Bella saw that extreme measures were needed. She slapped some duct tape on Ben's mouth.
  ''Alright. Now what, Leo?'' she asked.
  ''Why are you asking me? You're the expert at this!'' Leo thought for a moment. ''I suppose the only thing we can do is get outside and run for cover, since the car is totaled.''
  ''That sounds desperate,'' Bella commented.
''Well do you have any more ideas?'' asked Leo.
  ''Nope, so I guess we'll have to try that one.''
They looked at each other knowingly. Both of them knew they were in a highly dangerous situation, but they couldn't risk scaring Ben with the reality: Leo's 'plan' was a last-ditch resort.


  Evan felt sad as he touched down on the Bozeman runway.
''I think I might try flying for a living someday,'' he informed the co-pilot. ''I like it a lot.''
  The co-pilot pried his white fingers off the steering wheel one by one. ''Maybe you should look into a commercial license - after you get out of jail.''
  Evan rolled his eyes and watched as heavily armed policemen and security guards surrounded 'his' jet. ''I don't need to worry about that,'' he said. ''I have much more important things to do!''
  He grabbed his back pack and stepped onto the landing stairs that had been placed outside the door.
''Keep your hands up!'' one of the cops said, while another began to read him his rights.
  Nobody noticed that as Evan raised his hands, he lightly yanked on a pull-string on his backpack. Something inside began to inflate.
  The monotonous reader looked up when a shadow fell over his face.
Evan was rising rapidly into the air. Soon he was too small for the people gathered on the ground to see.
  He pulled out his cell and called Irena. ''What town are you in?'' he asked.

The Rescuers:

  After a long lecture to Evan about not stealing commercial airplanes, Irena got off the phone. She looked around the hotel room. It was the cheapest in the small town of Whitehall, Montana, but then again, there were only two to choose from. Wesley had driven the rental car as far as he could, then they had all crashed in this tiny hotel. Kat and Christine were on one bed, and Irena had been planning on sleeping in the other. Wesley was sitting in the one small chair, his neck crinked at an uncomfortable-looking angle.
   Irena sighed and spoke loudly.
''Come on guys, time to get up. We must go find Evan.''
  ''What?'' groaned Kat and Christine in unison.
''You heard me! Get up now.''
  Wesley sat up straight, his neck crunching horribly. ''Where to?'' has asked.
''I'll drive this time,'' she told him, ''while you get some sleep.''
  ''Where is Evan?'' Christine asked.
''He ran out of helium at the next town. It's bigger, so when we get there we can get a better hotel. And,'' she added, ''I want to take a look at one of the museums there.''
  The four Cahills grabbed their coats, put on their shoes, and left the hotel.

Bella, Leo and Ben:

  Bella, Leo and Ben rushed through the thick woods surrounding the KFC. They ran for about ten minutes, then Ben stopped suddenly. He motioned for Leo to take off the tape. Leo did, but he was still in a bad mood.
 ''What now.'' He demanded curtly.
Ben took a second to catch his breath. ''First of all, you shouldn't tape my mouth when we're running! I could suffo-''
  ''Get to the point!'' snapped Bella. She was nervous. There should have been sounds of pursuit now, but she couldn't hear anything.

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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