FanFic 6/12

into business together. Just then, Leo got the correct combination.

The Reunited Cahills:

The door swooshed open and their friends came tumbling out.
  Ben rushed over to hug Irena, Christine, Kat, and even Wesley. Madz smiled and vanished back down the corridor.
  Bella and Leo stood watching awkwardly. Neither of them liked public affection much. But both of them were relieved this was finally over.
  ''So... what do we do now?'' Leo asked.
''Get out of here, I suppose.'' Bella said uncertainly.
  ''I'll miss you a bit,'' he remarked.
''Maybe you don't need to go back to Italy just yet?''
  ''Are you thinking a nice little celebration dinner somewhere?'' Leo asked, smiling, though he felt light headed from his injuries. ''I hope so.''
  ''Should we invite the others?''
  ''Oh, they look sort of busy with their own party. I think we should have our own.''
  Bella smiled back at him.
  Then Wesley suddenly pulled away from the group hug. ''I think there's a small disturbance,'' he said off-handedly. Everyone turned to see what he was talking about.
  They were surrounded by heavily armed Vespers.

The Scattered Cahills:

  Irena grabbed Ben and the girls and bolted inside the door.
''Someone, stay here to help me fight them off!'' Wesley yelled, then he grabbed a fallen tree branch and rushed toward their capturers. Evan stared at him in horror, and then he also found a branch and attacked.
   Bella and Leo looked at each other. ''What now?'' Leo asked.
''I'm not sure... ''
  ''Okay, let's go inside. I'm getting cold.''
''Wesley might die though, if we leave him - and Evan too...''
  ''All the idiot girls worry about Wesley. Make up your mind before they kill us!''
''Alright. Let's go.'' Bella checked on Wesley and Evan over her shoulder. They seemed to be holding their own for now.

  Irena was frantically searching for a new hiding place. I can't let more children be murdered. That's happened far too much these last few years... Her thoughts were interrupted by a barrage of gunfire smacking the wall above her head.
  ''Run faster!'' she gasped. ''They are getting close!''

Wesley and Evan:

  Wesley and Evan fought furiously, but every time they floored a Vesper, his cohort appeared behind him, just as bloodthirsty as ever. They began to stumble with weariness.
  ''I don't know how long I can keep this up,'' Evan gasped.
''We'll keep going ‘til it's over!'' Wesley replied.
  ''Hey!'' a Vesper shouted from the doorway. ''I just got a call from the control room, and V1 says taking them dead is okay too. We're running out of daylight!''
  The Vespers, who had been using their high-powered rifles as clubs, flipped them around. Evan cringed as he found himself staring into a cold, dark barrel.
  But Wesley wasn't done fighting. He smashed the Vesper who was aiming at Evan, then whacked the backs of Evan's knees, making him collapse into the deep snow.
  They started shooting but Wesley was in the berserker rage. He fought till he went down.
The Vespers approached his body warily, then one poked it with his gun.
  ''All dead out here,'' he reported into his walkie-talkie.
''Good,'' replied the cold, dark, artificial voice of Vesper One.
  ''I think a few of us might be permanently down too.''
''Here's a quarter for someone who cares,'' V1 answered.
  ''Uh... what?'' The Vespers surrounding Evan looked very confused.
''Nothing. Get all our dead in here. Push the Janus kids down the mountain. They'll say it was a snowmobile wreck.''
  Evan closed his eyes and held very still. Maybe if he didn’t move... then he was tossed down the mountain.
    He dug his fingers into the snow, trying to stop his fall. Luckily, the Vespers who had dumped him over the edge turned and left after a few minutes.
  He watched as Wesley's body continued to slide down the mountain, leaving a wide scarlet streak on the snow. He thought about running to try to stop and bury it, but he knew he had to get back to see if he could help the others.
  Evan began the long, hard crawl up the mountain.

  Irena realized that running around blind was hopeless. She called a group meeting.
''Okay, we need to figure out a plan,'' she told Ben, Kat and Christine.
  ''Let's take one of their guns and shoot them all!'' Kat suggested.
''Like we're going to be able to get one of their guns,'' Christine said. ''I think we should try to get back to the exit. Wesley and the other people didn't follow us. That means they must be trapped there!''
  ''Sounds good to me,'' Ben agreed.
''Come on then!'' Irena commanded, and they were on the run again.
Leo and Bella:

  Leo and Bella turned around and rushed down the corridor into the Vesper base. Bella wished they hadn't split up with everyone, but the others had fled in every direction.
  Leo didn't mind being away from the others, and he told Bella so. She asked why not.
  ''It's just that I'm sick of all these people around that I have to take care of. Life sure is simpler when it's just yourself to worry about.''
  ''I suppose so,'' said Bella, ''but you don't have as many friends.''
''I don't need a lot. One is good enough so far.''
  She smiled. ''Being your friend is pretty exciting.''
  Leo laughed. Bella had definitely grown on him in the last week. The Cahill spy on the Vespers was a perfect friend. She didn't chatter all the time like other girls Leo had known. She was ruthless, sneaky, smart... the list could go on and on.
  Then they turned the corner, straight into a hail of lead.
Bella went down immediately. At first, Leo just stood there and stared at her crumpled form, an uncharacteristic look of shock on his face. Then his training took over and he dove to the floor, sliding up to the Vesper and knocking them down. As soon as the attacker hit the ground, Leo was up again. He wrenched the gun from the Vesper's hand and shot him directly between the eyes.
There was a moment of while he didn’t move. Then he turned back to Bella.
  Well. Nothing to see here, he thought. She was definitely not breathing, and her lovely eyes had already begun to blaze over. Grief nearly overpowered him. He pushed it away. There was no time for that. He stood swiftly.
  He would find a way out of here and go right back to Italia. People made sense there.
  And he hadn't ever grown fond of anyone back home in Firenze. That was one thing he definitely didn't want that to happen again.
  A person you love can hurt you far more than one you hate.


   Leo ran blindly through the dimly lighted halls. This is where she worked, he couldn't help thinking. Probably she knew the guy who shot her. I wonder if they were friends. I wonder- STOP! He knew that if he was going to get out, he had to quit thinking about stupid stuff like that. To distract himself, he tried to notice everything about his surroundings.
''Sono un idiota! Why didn't I think of trying a door?'' He found the nearest one, labeled συλλαμβάνονται τέχνη.
Captured art, Leo translated. These guys definitely like Greek, don't they?
  He  took out his lock picks and went to work.

Irena and the Children:
  Ben saw the roadblock - or more correctly, corridor block - first. He turned and stopped the others.
  ''This is not good,'' Irena observed.
  ''That's what I thought too,'' Bed agreed, surveying the line of guards blocking their exit.
Fortunately, they hadn’t been noticed yet.
''I noticed a sign that said 'κουζίνα' back there a ways.'' Christine said hopefully.
  ''Uh, so?'' Kat asked. ''Not everybody knows Greek. What's that mean?''
 ''Kitchen! I bet we could hide in there!''
  They turned back and tried the door. Fortunately, it was unlocked. They all hurried in, slamming the door behind them.
''Whew,'' said Ben. ''There don't seem to be any people around.''
  ''Actually, do you hear anything from outside?'' Christine said worriedly.
Everyone listened hard.
  There were definitely footsteps coming toward the door.
''Hide!'' Irena commanded. But that was difficult to do. Unlike normal kitchens, this one seemed to have no closed spaces. All the cupboards were open, and the pantry didn't have a door. There was only one hidden space in the
room. It was labeled αλεξίπτωτο σκουπίδια.
  ''Wait!'' Christ
ine warned as Irena hurried them all into the small door. ''This is the-''
The kitchen door handle began to move and Christine jumped inside despite her intuition that this was a bad idea.
  Irena, Christine, Kat and Ben found themselves in a mess. Potato peelings and other kitchen refuse were oozing up around their knees.
  ''Ew!'' Kat complained quietly. ''This is totally disgusting!''
''What do you expect? The label said 'Garbage Chute'.''
  ''Well child, it's better than being a bloody splat on the wall,'' Irena said. ''Now we'll just wait here until they leave.''


  Leo finished picking the lock and stepped through the door to the illegal art gallery.
  Crates upon crates were piled on the floor, and even more were hanging on the walls. He saw one that looked familiar and went over to look.
  It was the painting by Paul Baudry! Leo looked at it for a while, thinking. People had died for this painting. Probably not just in modern times either. The Cahills and Vespers fought over so many things. Was this even important? Sure, there was the smudge of green that Irena had talked about. No doubt it contained some 'priceless' bit of information about the Cahills.
  Leo quickly cut the canvas from the frame and rolled it up. Then he walked to the door and went to find Irena.


  Evan cautiously peered out from behind the tree. There were no guards around, but there must be a few behind the door. As he was trying to plan a way in, he heard the deafening noise of a helicopter.
  He looked up and hurried out of the way as it landed where he had been. A girl hopped out and walked over to him.
  ''Why are you laying there on the ground?''
  Evan noticed the Ekaterina insignia on her blindingly yellow snowsuit.
  ''The Vespers have a base up here and my friends are trapped inside!'' he told her.
  ''That isn't good!'' She paused. ''What do you think we should do?''
She's supposed to be so smart, Evan thought. Why can't she do a little thinking?
  ''I have bodyguards in there,'' she told him suddenly. ''I bet they could help!'' She bounded back to the helicopter and retrieved two guys, both dressed in the same bright yellow. Evan wondered if it was a law imposed by this girl. Then he realized he didn't know who she was.
  ''So what's your name?'' she asked him.
''Evan DeLuca,'' he replied. ''I think we could-''
  ''My name is Calypso!''
''Very nice. Now I think if we broke a hole in the roof, we could surprise them and your guys could hold them off while we found the other Cahills!''
  ''Sounds good,'' Calypso replied.
  ''Oh, one last question,'' Evan said. ''Why are you up here?'' I really hope you're not a Vesper mole.
  ''I was going to test my new sled,'' she said excitedly. ''I made it myself and it has sonar to watch out for trees and rocks, and I put mechanical steering in it, and of course it is yel-''
  One of the guards hushed her.
As they looked for a good spot to make a hole, Evan hoped this was the right decision.


    Leo had finally found the kitchen. He had just realized that although the rest of the kitchen was sparkling clean, there were finger prints on the trash chute. Then gunfire erupted all around him and plaster started to fall in slabs from the ceiling.
  Leo covered his head with his arms and hoped he didn't suffocate.
He wanted to die fighting.

Irena and the Children:
  When the trapped Cahills heard the shooting, they looked around sadly.
''I think our last chance of being rescued is gone now,'' Irena told them wearily.
  Christine sniffled and Kat put an arm around her.
''We'll be okay!'' Ben said. ''There's tons of food around, and I'm sure there must be water too!''
  ''WE ARE BEING COMPOSTED!'' Christine wailed in sudden frustration. What did it matter that they could survive here for a while?
  There was an ominous silence above. Then a gruff voice barked, ''Gunterhoff! Check ze rubbish bin!''
  Everyone froze in terror.


  Evan dropped down from the hole in the ceiling and was surprised to see Leo lying there unconscious. He checked his pulse and though it felt weak, he seemed fine.
  ''So is it safe to come down?'' Calypso asked.
''I think so,'' Evan told her. She and the two guards jumped through and then started to search. Evan kept looking worriedly at the door and asked if the guards had extra weapons. The one named Gunterhoff did, so he gave a pistol to Evan and one to Calypso too. Then one of the guards noticed the fingerprints that Leo had.
  ''Gunterhoff! Check ze rubbish bin!'' he commanded.

The Cahills Reunited:

  Inside as the lid creaked open, Kat let out a roaring rebel yell and threw a wad of beef fat into the man's face. She followed it with handfuls of moldy cabbage and other unidentifiable kitchen refuse.
  The door clanged shut. Then they all heard a familiar voice.
''I think we found them!'' Evan shouted joyfully.
  He and his new friends ransacked the kitchen to find something to pull the trapped Cahills out. Finally, Calypso discovered some aprons. She cut off the strings and showed Evan how to braid them into a rope. Then they pulled Irena, Ben, Kat and Christine out of their prison.
  ''Quick, we have to get out of here!" Irena told them. ''Vespers are sure to think of this place soon!''
  Evan and Gunterhoff hoisted the other guard out through the ceiling with the rope. Then they helped the others. Leo proved to be some difficulty since he was still unconscious, but then Calypso created a sling out of one of the unused aprons. When everyone was out, the ones above pulled Gunterhoff up. Evan was just grasping the rope when the Vespers came.
  First the door handle wiggled. When they realized it was locked, they began to smash it violently with the butts of their rifles.
''Evan! Hurry!'' Christine called.
  ''No, you guys run. They'll start shooting the minute they get through the door!'' Evan told her, as a heavy blow sent splinters flying. He turned and faced the door with the handgun Gunterhoff had given him. I have six shots, he thought grimly. I can at least make a small dent on the Vesper population. A booted foot crashed through the door and Evan raised his weapon.


  Evan was squeezing the trigger slowly when the gun exploded in his hand.
For a few seconds he stared at it in shock. Had it misfired...? Then the Vesper stepped into the destroyed kitchen.
  ''Stay away from the door!'' She called behind her. ''He has a gun! I'll finish him off.'' Evan noticed that her barrel was still smoking. She must have shot the gun from my hand! He realized in astonishment.
  ''Madz!'' He said quietly.
  ''Yep. Now there's no time to talk. Step on my hands.'' Madz kneeled and cupped her hands. Evan put one of his feet into them and Madz flung him into the air. He fell into the deep snow on the roof.
  ''Thank you!'' he called down to Madz, but she was motioning for him to hurry. Then she laid down and pretended she was knocked out so when the other Vespers came in it would look like Evan had hit her.
  The Cahills raced to Calypso's helicopter and all ten of them (including the guards) squeezed in.

The Cahills:

  Leo suddenly woke up. ''Where are we going?'' he asked Irena.
Calypso answered for her. ''We're going to Attleboro! You guys are so beat up, you need a good hot bath. Plus, the important Cahills are there for Christmas and I'm sure they want to hear about your adventure!''
  The pilot made a wide turn over the mountain, revealing the long, scarlet streak that was all that was left of Wesley.
  ''Is that-'' gasped Kat, but then stopped. They all knew what it meant.
  The people in the helicopter became quiet. They had just realized that one of their best friends had died that day on the forbidding mountain. Christine and Kat began to cry quietly. Irena even had watery eyes. Evan remembered the last few minutes of Wesley's life and his bravery. Ben remembered how Wesley had helped him and Irena before. Even Calypso became serious.
  But Leo was thinking of the other death. The one nobody else would remember. He felt the hard canvas in his pocket and began to plan the story of his 'adventure' for the Christmas party.

  They caught two taxis at the airport and drove to the Attleboro mansion. Even though it was late, Amy greeted them at the door with a smile and showed them to unoccupied rooms.
  Everyone except Leo fell asleep immediately. He couldn't sleep! He had important things to do.
  Leo thought deeply. He needed a butane lighter. Who would have one... he doubted anyone here smoked, since he hadn't smelled any when they walked in. I'll have to go to the store, he thought resignedly. I can do that tomorrow. I need art supplies, a good Janus who won't say anything... he sighed. Practically this stuff was expensive and hard to get. Leo took a shower and went to bed after tending to his wounds.

The Vespers:

  In Montana, Madz was feeling slightly worried.
Vesper One had called all his guards into the
ανακοίνωση αίθουσα (announcement hall). The Head Security man was trying to figure out who had helped the prisoners, which was rather hard, since the guards wore large helmets.
  They were called foreward one at a time and the Security guy looked at them.
Madz hadn't thought this far. She hoped nobody would get blamed for what she'd done, or worse, be blamed herself.
  Then fate took a hand.
An Art Curator rushed in,
holding an empty picture frame and gasping that the famous painting of Charlotte Corday had been stolen. Vesper One snarled, a terrible sound through the voice distorter. ''Get a team together and find it!''
   The Art Curater gasped. ''You want me to find it?''
''Yes, and quickly!''
  The timid man stared at Vesper One i
n horror. Then he turned to the guards. ''Who wants to be on my team?'' he quavered.
Madz and several other guards raised their hands.
  ''Well, I suppose we should go then.'' Madz and three others followed him out and to the plane hangar.
As Madz was handed her weapons, she br
iefly felt worried about having to shoot, stab, or strangle the people she had just saved, but she shook it off.
  That was a problem for later.


  Leo was up early the next morning.
At four, he slipped out of the house. Everyone was asleep. Then he walked for a long time. When he was finally in a more urban area, he found a phone booth and used the phone book to locate an art supplies store. Then he sighed when he realized how far 1063 Oakhill Avenue was from his current location.
  As Leo traveled, the foot that had been bitten started to throb. Finally he gave in and stepped into a coffee shop.
He had walked for two hours and not gotten anything done. Frowning, he asked for his usual order of plain black coffee. The waitress smiled brightly and said it would be ready in a moment.
  Leo wondered briefly if he should go find something a little stronger, but he knew he needed to keep his mind sharp and his liver unpolluted.
  He sat down with his back to the wall, where he could see out the window and coffee shop, and noticed with annoyance that he was sitting near another person, who looked up and smiled in a friendly manner.
  Oh no, please don't talk to me, can't you see I'm in a bad mood? Leo thought, as the stranger began to talk to him.
''Hey, my name's Evan. You don't see many people up at this time normally!'' he said with a smile.
  Leo mumbled something he hoped was in English.
''Cool! I was up a little early because I need to make a Christmas card for my girlfriend. Want to see? I can't decide if this is the right color scheme...'' Evan turned the computer to Leo.
  This could be lucky, Leo realized when he saw the card. It had a picture in the middle of a multi-colored border. The picture was of this Evan guy... sitting next to Amy Cahill.
  ''Oh, I think I know your girlfriend!'' Leo told him. ''She's my cousin. I was actually looking for a Christmas gift for her right now. But I have an infected toenail and it hurts to walk. Do you have a car I could use?''
  ''You know Amy? Isn't she beautiful? I love her SO much... but I can't drive yet. But! I have a bike! It's parked outside. Go ahead and use it!''
  Leo left without his coffee and took Evan's bike to the stores he needed. As an afterthought, he bought a sweater for Amy.
  Then he hurried home, sure nobody would notice he was gone, but not wanting to take any chances.


  At the same time Leo was stepping into the Cahill mansion, a group of Vespers were stepping out of the plane in the T.F. Green Airport, a mere thirty miles from their destination.
  The grim passengers took their lethal carry-ons from above their heads and hailed a taxi for Attleboro, Massachusetts.


  Few people were up when Leo got back to the Cahill mansion, which made it easy for him to slip past and get into his room, where he stashed the art supplies. He changed into nice clothes and slipped the lighter into his pocket. Then he put a small, brightly wrapped parcel into his other pocket and grabbed the sweater he had bought for Amy.
  When he went down stairs, Hamilton and Jonah were attempting to make pancakes. Ian was sitting in the sofa with a cup of coffee and a sour look on his face, while Amy was adding last minute decorations to the tree.
  Leo offered a polite greeting and put the sweater with a huge mound of presents already under the tree and went to eat breakfast.


  As Ham and Jonah were seeing how many pancakes they could eat before the others woke up, uninvited guests drove silently into the courtyard. Lean, black suited figures slunk out and concealed themselves in strategic positions outside the huge picture window.
  Madz could see the family that had warred for generations sitting with each other and laughing. What great progress had been made. But for her and the other Vespers, this was a terrible blow. She hoped she wouldn't have to kill too many Cahills when she got the painting back.
  ''Hey,'' whispered the team leader. ''I think they are opening presents now. We'll break in there as soon as they're done.''
''Are you getting sentimental?'' Madz teased.
  ''No, they'll be less alert once their food has started digesting.''
The Vespers crouched tensely outside the window, waiting for the time to be right.


  Inside, Evan looked around at the eager faces waiting to hear the story. All of the veteran Clue Hunters were present. Evan had been selected to tell it because he had been with Wesley when he died. He began when Ian had first called about the painting and finished when Calypso had rescued them in her helicopter. As he spoke, the faces expressions grew sadder and sadder. A girl that Evan seemed to remember from a long time ago began sobbing

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