Alternative Endings 3/4

Jamie was relieved when Raphael was able to follow them into the outer courtyard. There they joined Viki, Vader, Cole, Shroud, and Professor Westing.
  Signor Raphael frowned. "It might be best to leave the old man behind," he suggested to Viki.
  "We thought about it, but Chloe was strongly opposed to the idea."
  Of course, she's worried about us getting split up in a different time, Jamie realized.
  "Alright," Raphael told them. "Even though I am in a degraded state, I'm going to be the commander here. Does anyone here have any disagreements?"
  Nobody had a problem with that.
  The mood surrounding the small force was considerably uneasy.
  Raphael had dictated that they were to make as little noise as possible, but riding on cows had been impractical for the people who hadn't learned how. So the little unit was advancing as silently as possible on four-wheelers.
  Jamie and Chloe had been placed at the end of the convoy along with Professor Westing and Cole. The young man had complained about being kept away from the front lines, but had given in when Viki explained that he was protecting the weak. It was an overcast day, and as they drove through the abandoned streets Jamie could not shake the sinister feeling that they were being watched by many unseen eyes.
  Vader led them through the winding, crumbling streets until they lurched to a sudden, giddy stop. Jamie looked over Chloe's shoulder and stared at the government building they were to attack.
  Though it was the most important building in town, it looked like it only had one story. Jamie could see a row of guards in front of the door, but they hurried inside when spotted. Signor Raphael, Viki, Vader and Shroud held a quiet conference, then Raphael motioned for Jamie and Chloe to come closer. Cole was not invited, but he came anyway.
  "Alright, the plan is in place," Raphael told them in a low voice. "I thought we would have to fight them outside, but this way has given us an advantage - at least I think so."
  "Your job will be to protect Professor Westing," Viki continued for Raphael, who was out of breath. "Vader and I will be standing outside the door. When you see my signal, drive in with the four wheelers and we'll start loading up the vaccines."
  "Okay," Chloe answered bravely. Jamie just nodded his head, while Cole immediately began complaining about not being in on the action. The others ignored him and soon they were watching Raphael and Shroud enter the building. Then it was time to wait.
  But since waiting is not all that exciting, Cbeppa desperately wants to write about what happened to the people who were in on the main action. Yes, Jamie is supposed to be the main character, but the other ones are becoming so interesting now, especially Shroud, that I think I'll add a little sneak peek at what happens inside ;)
Signor Raphael brushed silently past Viki and Vader. Inside, he found himself in a large room with several tables against one wall.
  This must be the cafeteria, he decided.
   Shroud slipped past him - easy to do, for the mysterious being was only as tall as Raphael's waist. They walked warily through the room, which was gray walled and had no decorations whatsoever. Raphael felt tense. Why hadn't they seen any guards?
  The two reached the door, but when Shroud tried to open it the handle wouldn't turn. He motioned for Raphael to watch behind them.
  In seconds it became clear that it had been a good idea.
  As Raphael watched in consternation, a part of the seemingly solid concrete wall slid back and he could see an arm holding a gun snake through the gap.
  "Hurry!" he commanded Shroud, while he whipped out one of the numerous small knives on his person and threw it precisely. The guard dropped his gun, but Raphael knew there would be others.
  Suddenly he felt a tug on his sleeve. He spun around to see Shroud leading him through the open door.
  The tall man had to stoop to walk through the narrow hallway behind the opening. It was dusty and seemed disused.
  "Shroud," he whispered, "I think they have hidden passageways everywhere. If -"
  The sound of gunfire and the chips of shattered concrete stabbing into the back of his neck made him realize how dangerous the situation was. "Just run!" he told Shroud.
  The lined-swathed  figure obeyed, and Raphael had a difficult time keeping up.
  Suddenly, a panel in the wall opened directly in front on them. To Raphael's alarm, Shroud - instead of attacking - flattened himself to the floor. Since he was taller, Raphael flew over the huddled form, crashing directly into the guards.
  Overcoming his dismay that his compatriot didn't seem willing to fight, Raphael disposed of the tightly packed guards. It took time, however, and when the last one was writhing on the floor, the ones behind them were catching up fast.
  To Raphael's trepidation, Shroud swished in front of him.
  He's using me as a shield...? Raphael hadn't expected this at all. He dropped a few caltrops (small, very pointy devices) behind them, but he knew that there were far too many guards to be slowed by that. Yet as they continued to run, he realized that he couldn't hear any screams of pain - actually, there weren't any sounds coming from behind them.
  They circled around in front of us, he realized wearily. He wanted to tell Shroud, but he was too exhausted...
  Abruptly, Raphael found that he didn't have to crouch anymore. He was standing on the threshold to a more conveniently sized room. And there's the computer...
  But guards were pouring from an opening on one of the walls. So many guards... 
  Raphael felt like kicking himself, but he was much too tired. Spots were squirming around in front of his eyes and he could taste blood in his mouth…
  Raphael's last sight was of at least thirty soldiers closing in on Shroud.
The small, tense group had been outside waiting for about a half hour, but it was a thirty minutes with their nerves shrieking in agony. Jamie's life seemed short and insignificant compared to the time they had to wait for Viki to signal them in.
  She finally did so, but as the four hurried over, they could see she looked apprehensive. "It's been too long since they went in," she whispered, "and we can't wait any longer. Our attack is gathering spectators."
  Jamie looked around and realized that even though he hadn't noticed any sound, ragged people had slipped out of neighboring buildings. They were watching very intently - and not all of them seemed to approve of the covert operation.
  Jamie, Chloe, Cole, and Professor Westing followed Viki and Vader into the slate gray, windowless building. It was perfectly, eerily silent inside. Soon they were marching through the tunnel that Shroud and Signor Raphael had traversed only fifteen minutes before.
  Viki uttered a gasp and Cole rushed forward to save her - but it was only a pile of bodies. Vader checked quickly over them to make sure their two comrades were not in the pile. When it was clear that they weren't, the small party continued forward, and Jamie shuddered as they picked their way through the slippery mass.
  After only a few more minutes of walking, Viki cried out in earnest - she had found Raphael.
  Vader and the others helped carry him into a large room at the end of the passage. There, Professor Westing tried to give him medical assistance, but soon it was clear that he had no serious wounds. His collapse was yet another symptom of his  illness.
  Everyone was relieved when Signor Raphael regained consciousness. His first inquiry was about Shroud. "Where did that... thing... go?"
  Since the moment they had discovered him, all of the party’s attention had been turned toward Raphael. Now the group noticed the room they were in. Jamie looked around. On the wall facing the door was a large, grimy screen which was connected to the wall by wires. The whole thing was covered in buttons, which immediately enticed Cole to hurry over and begin playing with it.
  On his right was a plain concrete wall, but on the left- "What is that?!" Chloe gasped - was another tall stack of bodies. The ones in this pile had small lacerations covering their bodies, almost as if… but it was really gory so I won't go into it. Behind them there could be caught glimpses of a small white being, huddled as if in hiding.
  "It's okay," Viki called. "You can come out now, Shroud." The figure obeyed and approached them warily.
  Raphael stared in disbelief. "You would sacrifice your own comrade..."
  "Check this out!" Cole interrupted. He had been pushing random buttons, and amazingly, he had done something. The screen slowly came to life, and they could see the fuzzy, angry image of -
  "Now what on earth is she doing here?" Professor Westing asked incredulously.
  "I think it's a video," Jamie whispered.
  "What?" the stern, iron faced woman on the screen stared at him. "You look familiar."
  "I think it's like Skype!" Chloe argued. "Turn it off quick!"
  "Now I remember," Petrovina sighed. "You must be here from the past, attempting to make me pay for my evil deeds. However, I am currently in Moscow, while you are in the condemned district of Johannesburg. The only thing left for you to do is to catch my plague and die." She looked very satisfied with herself.
  "My cherished student..." Professor Westing looked stricken.
  "Move in front of the screen so I can see all of you," Petrovina commanded. The small force complied. Since it was a tiny room, Raphael, Jamie, Chloe and Shroud had to sit on the stairwell. They were silent at Petrovina stared at them. Then she burst out giggling.
  "I see you back there, Signor!" she accused when she had control of herself again. "It is truly astonishing that you could survive this long. Are you enjoying my little gift?"
  "We know you gave him the smallpox, fiend!" Chloe cried passionately.
  "Your statement shows exactly how little you do know," the dark ruler retorted. "I simply murdered his great- great- grandparents. His body is in an accelerated rate of decay."
  Jamie felt concerned - but still a little grossed out at the same time.
  "Yet you need not relax your fear of smallpox," Petrovina continued. "As retribution for attacking my embassy, I will send some virus your way."
  Viki collapsed in disconsolate tears. "My people..." Vader put a consoling hand on her shoulder.
  "However, you shouldn't be afraid." Petrovina continued, causing everyone to look up at the screen hopefully. "For you will not see the coming destruction. According to my security system, the attack on my embassy is being neutralized right now. Well, at least in five seconds..."
  Realization dawned on Cole first. "Oh man-" he grabbed Viki, shielding her with his body, but by then it was too late.
In her stark, disinfected office, Petrovina watched as the connection to Johannesburg was lost. Her screen didn’t show the violent self-destruction of her former embassy building, but she knew exactly what it must look like.
  Petrovina sighed, smiled, and shouted into the paging system a demand for cherry vodka. After years of vague apprehension, she was quite ready to relax.
  Jamie opened his eyes. From his position he could see the deep azure sky hovering above him. He watched whispy clouds scuttle back and forth, and gradually the memory of how he had come to this place came back to him.
  Cautiously, he pushed himself to his feet.
  The large room which had contained the computer and most of his friends had been totally obliterated. There was no possibility of anyone surviving. He was alive only because the frame of the hallway had protected him. Numbly, he began searching in the rubble nearest him.
  Jamie found Chloe trapped under light debris. As soon as she had been freed, she helped him look for any other survivors.
  “I found Signor Raphael!” she called finally. Jamie rushed over and together they attempted to dig the man out. However, a large piece of concrete had firmly pinned his ankle to the ground. After working in vain to remove it, they sat down to rest.
  “This probably sounds gruesome,” Chloe said after a while, “but it might be best to cut off his foot.”
  Jamie was horrified, but he heard himself reply, “Do you have anything that’s sharp?”
  “Only my Swiss army knife,” she answered.
  They sat without speaking for a long time, the dreadful question hanging between them: Who was to do the gut-wrenching deed?
  It would be polite to volunteer, Jamie realized. Yet he said nothing.
  Fortunately they did not have to use Chloe’s idea. The survivors turned quickly when they heard a shift in the rubble behind them. When they spun around they saw Shroud rising from the detritus like an ancient, grim mummy. Though it was small, Shroud was surprisingly strong, and with its help they were able to fully recover Raphael.
  The three of them tended to Signor Raphael as well as they could, but it was clear that the man couldn’t hold on much longer. Jamie and Chloe suppressed the grief they felt for their deceased companions. The kids used all the brainpower they possessed to devise a plan that would get them out of this nightmarish disaster.
Jamie and Chloe debated several plans. She suggested that they should go back to the abandoned museum and tell the people the story - "At least we could explain to them that Raphael wasn't infected!" - but Jamie countered that the nomads might become angry about the death of their leaders. His plan was to appeal to the government. 
   Chloe immediately shot that one down. "Petrovina runs the government. Would you trust her with your life?"
  "Okay, fine. There's only one other way, and I'm sure you've thought of it by now. If we took the four-wheelers back to the desert, we might be able to find the place where the Device was."
  "But that plan won't work!" Chloe protested. "To operate the Device we need the remote control mechanism. And Professor Westing was carrying it..." Her chin began to quiver and she glared fiercely to keep from crying.
  "Wait!" Jamie said. He glanced over at Shroud, who was sitting with its back facing them. "Hey Shroud," he called, and the figure walked over to them. "We need a little square, black thing that Professor Westing had with him. Could you find it for us?" Shroud nodded, then hurried away.
  "Isn't it wrong to make him do all the hard work?" Chloe asked.
  "Only if you would rather do it," Jamie answered. He gave the girl an annoyed look. She ignored him, pulled a book from her backpack, and began to read.
  As she progressed, Jamie became more and more nervous. It was getting late in the afternoon, and Shroud hadn't returned. Signor Raphael hadn't regained consciousness, and it seemed like it was getting harder for the man to breathe. 
  Jamie envied Chloe. Why didn't I think of bringing a book? It would have made the waiting so much easier...
The sun was setting when Shroud finally got back. It was covered in concrete dust, but was hurrying triumphantly toward the two kids. Jamie and Chloe greeted it excitedly.
  "Did you find the thing?" Chloe asked tensely.
  In reply, Shroud pulled several objects from its wrapping and placed them at Chloe's feet. First was Professor Westing's terribly smashed blackberry. Beside that Shroud placed a black notebook. Then a walkie-talkie. Each time it looked expectantly at Chloe, but praise was not forthcoming. Finally it produced the correct small, black object. Chloe grabbed the remote controller and gave Shroud a hug, which seemed to embarrass it. Then she turned to Jamie.
  "This is great," she exclaimed. It seemed that she had forgotten their argument. "Getting home will be a piece of cake!"
  "What are we going to do with Shroud?" Jamie asked. "We can't just leave it here."
  "Would you like to come with us?" Chloe bent down so she was eye level with the silent being. Shroud nodded and Chloe immediately offered it a piggy back ride to the four-wheelers.
  "Hey!" Jamie protested. "I need you to help me with Raphael!"
  "I guess next time," the girl apologized to Shroud. Then she carefully took Raphael's feet while Jamie carried his shoulders. Shroud held up one arm, but the other dragged morosely over the broken concrete. Raphael did not regain consciousness.
  Soon they reached the four-wheelers. For lack of a better solution, they tied Signor Raphael as gently as possible to a four-wheeler seat. Since his tall body took up most of the room, there was only enough space for Shroud to be the driver. Chloe gave it a short introduction to the vehicle and they were ready to leave.
  Jamie shuffled awkwardly for a moment. "Do you think I need to ride with you again?" he asked Chloe. "I mean, there are enough other four-wheelers."
  "Only if you want to get left behind," Chloe answered. "I plan on getting out of here as fast as I can."
  Jamie climbed up behind her and gingerly held onto her waist. 
She hadn't been exaggerating. As soon as Shroud had its machine going, the little caravan lurched forward and Chloe careened wildly through the empty city streets.
  Jamie hung on for dear life.
Soon they had left the decrepit streets of the city and were speeding across the sunbaked plain. No animals or trees broke the reddish brown monotony, but every once in a while they would pass a dead gray bush. The four living things were mere specks in a vast sea of nothingness.
  Chloe had started at an alarming pace, but it was soon obvious that Shroud didn't have the skill to keep up. Though twenty miles an hour seemed a respectable speed to Jamie, Chloe gritted her teeth and growled under her breath.
  With nothing else to do, Jamie stared at the back of Chloe's head and watched it become progressively dirtier. As the day ended and they followed the tunnel of light made by their headlamps, Jamie became sleepy and finally nodded off.
  He woke up suddenly when Chloe called a halt a few hours later.
  "I think we are in the right vicinity," Chloe told him, "but I have no idea where it is exactly."
  They sat in silence and pondered the problem. Then Shroud caught up to them and the kids hurried over to assess Raphael's condition.
  "Well, he's still breathing," Jamie said, relieved.
  The mercenary was caked thickly with dust and was still unconscious.  He was still breathing and had a pulse - perhaps a very weak pulse, but his heart was definitely beating. They busied themselves in wiping the dirt from his face and tried to give him water.
  Shroud was not terribly worried about Signor Raphael's plight. In fact, as Jamie and Chloe were fussing over the dying man, Shroud amused itself with a small object it had taken from Chloe's backpack. The thing was smooth and shiny. The muffled creature walked a small distance away from the others and played with the device, seeing that its smooth surface reflected the moon very well. Then the small being accidentally pushed a button, and everything went terribly wrong.
  The device beeped, which startled Shroud so badly that it flung the black thing away. Then, to the astonishment of Jamie and Chloe, Shroud disappeared into a pool of dim light.
  "What did it just do?!" Jamie gasped.
  "I think it located the time machine for us," Chloe said as they hurried toward the device. "But it also might have just made a big mess for us to clean up."
Chloe recovered the remote controller and they crept up to the dully shining circle. Even when they were right next to it, they couldn't hear anything. Jamie relaxed a little. "Since it is just an empty desert he probably hasn't been able to do much," he told Chloe.
  "True. Let's hurry and get him out so we can go home." Chloe stepped cautiously into the future and Jamie followed.
  As soon as they could look around, Jamie knew he had been mistaken. 
The desert was anything but deserted. The kids were standing in the center of a huge camp. Thick smoke clogged in their lungs, and it was perfectly silent.
  "Shroud!" Chloe yelled. "Come here! We need to get home!"
  There was a small commotion off to their left. Jamie exchanged looks with Chloe and they hurried toward the sounds.
  They found themselves outside of the camp. Through the settling ash, it was easy to spot Shroud. It was surrounded by curious people. The inhabitants were all dressed in filthy clothing and seemed to be entreating Shroud for food - but the time traveler’s attention was suddenly directed elsewhere.
  Looking far across the plain, they could see a column of black smoke billowing into the air. It seemed to be increasing in volume, because every passing second made it harder to breathe. 
  "What... year is this?" Jamie coughed.
  Chloe pulled the remote control device from her jeans pocket. "It says..." She squinted and pulled the screen closer to her face. "It says we are forward in time... by three months." She stared at Jamie. "No way. Do you think this is because of us?" Tears dripped down her face, but the little wet trails were quickly obliterated by the ash.
  Jamie was mesmerized by the sight of the burning city. Did we mess up time this bad?
  He snapped out of the trance. It doesn't matter now. We have to get out of here before we suffocate!
  "Come on." He grabbed Chloe's arm and began pulling her back the way they had come. "Shroud!" he called over his shoulder. "Come with us or we are going to leave you here!" In seconds the little bundle of sheets was hurrying along beside him. Soon they had reached their starting point.
  "Hurry and take us back," Jamie commanded Chloe. She stared at him with sad, teary eyes. He could hear the refugees coming towards them.
  "We can't let all these people die," Chloe whimpered softly. "We made this happen. Petrovina must have bombed the city-"
  "Chloe, we really need to get out of here." Jamie was starting to feel frantic.
Chloe had typed in the right date, but she stood there, holding the device away from Jamie. "We can save them," she pleaded. "If we just take them with us - "
  The first refugees rounded the tent in front of Jamie. Chloe’s snapped, Jamie realized. What am I going to do?!
  Shroud reached over Chloe's arm and pressed the button, and suddenly it was night and the air was clear. Looking up they could see the stars, looking around they saw the four-wheelers, and looking down they could see the device in Chloe's hands that could bring them back to the present.
  "We're all safe," Jamie murmured.
  But no one answered him.
Jamie glanced around at the others. Shroud had collapsed in a heap of exhausted cloth, and Chloe had slumped into a sitting position. Signor Raphael was lying on the four-wheeler exactly as they had left him.
  "Hey," Jamie said weakly. "We got out alive." Shroud didn't speak, and Chloe ignored him.
  Jamie waited for a little bit, but the girl was obstinate. She was not going to yield to a conversation. "Alright, let's go home."
  Chloe finally stirred, lifting her head and typing a code into the remote controller. The three of them untied Signor Raphael and she pressed the button, sending the invisible time machine into its usual antics. When it stopped, each person took their customary place for transporting the sick man. At Jamie’s suggestion they left the four wheelers behind - they would have to be stealthy, and that would be impossible if they drove in on loud, futuristic vehicles they had obtained from the nomads.
  They limped into the past in silence, each thinking different thoughts. Jamie wondered if it would be possible to fix the disruption they had caused in time. Chloe was thinking about the people they had left behind them. Shroud thought of a four-horned ram he had seen once[1], and Raphael noticed subconsciously that his sore left hand was dragging on the ground again.
[1] Shroud’s thoughts are highly unconventional and don’t make sense to most people.
When they broke into the bright sunlight, Jamie felt relieved. Looking around, he could see the familiar tent village, the Device, and workmen scurrying around. They hadn't been noticed yet, but he realized they needed to find cover quickly. A group that looked as strange as theirs could not go undetected for long.
  Chloe had realized the same thing. Moving as fast as possible, the three of them lurched forward with their heavy load. Hiding behind a tent, Jamie was finally able to ask Chloe a question. 
  "What time are we in?" he whispered. 
  "I took us to right before we left," she replied. "The medical tent should be safe for a while, and it will be a good place for Raphael."
  "You mean our past selves are running around right now?!" Jamie hissed hoarsely.
  Chloe looked apprehensive. "Try not to be seen."
  The journey to the medical tent was perilous and unbelievably long. Jamie was shining with sweat by the time it was in sight.
  The small group observed the large first-aid tent. In a moment, they saw the flap move and two kids scurry out, followed by Professor Westing. I look like that? Jamie thought in astonishment. It was not at all like looking in a mirror, or even seeing a video. Jamie had never been aware of the way he walked, or that his laugh sounded so disturbingly loud-
  "Clear." Chloe interrupted his thoughts. "Let's move!"
  Running as fast as possible, they burst through the tent flap, lugging Raphael behind them. Unfortunately, they didn't watch where they were going and ran into the Signor Raphael already inside the tent. Jamie had been in front, and he smashed into the man, causing everyone to collapse onto the floor. When things had stopped crashing, there was an awkward silence.
  Chloe spoke first. "I could have sworn he left before the others," she apologized guiltily.

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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