Poem #5

Urgent Care Summer

I'm at a fair
watching hog wrestling with family
ketchup and mustard in my hair
and on my jeans -
Noah smeared it there
and I'm thinking he's such a brat
when my grandpa gets a call from my dad, who said
I need to get home stat
my little brother had been burned
and had been flown to Portland, and that
he wasn't sure how long
we would need to stay at the McDonald House -
how many months we'd be gone.
We drove all night to the burn center
Justin was fourteen and not very strong.
When we got there he was covered in gauze,
blisters and ooze and greasy tears
Doctors had shoved a feeding tube up his nose.
In the next few weeks he endured great pain
just watched him stay alive inspired applause.
At one point when they put him under
to scrape off his dead gray skin
he woke up during the procedure and wondered
why he could hear and feel but not see or move.
He was allergic to the sedative – it was a frightening blunder.
Slowly, Justin recovered
he plagued the poor psychologist lady
because he hated the way she hovered.
The doctors gave him milkshakes and grafts
people sent so many cards he nearly smothered.
While he healed, our family picked peaches,
caught up with relatives,
enjoyed Seaside's beaches.
Justin's grafts healed well -
the doctors didn't have to use leeches.
He's doing much better now
besides some nightmares and PTSD
I'm glad he pulled through, and surprised at how
sometimes we forget he looks unusual at all.
His will to live has left me cowed
Not all the effects were deleterious.
Though he was self-conscious for a while
all those scars just make him look mysterious
and now he tells the story
to anyone who is curious.

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Creative Commons License
Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.