Poem #3

a miko (巫女) is a shinto shrine maiden. her jobs include driving out evil spirits, performing sacred dances, preserving life, and bringing happiness to man.

a haori (羽織) is a japanese hip-length kimono jacket. 巫女 羽織 are white and often have red ribbon embroidered around the sleeves.

hakama () are long, skirt-like pants traditionally worn by japanese men and women. 巫女 袴 are red and are held up by a bow.

oni () are demons from japanese folklore. they come in a wide variety of forms, and many have the ability to shape-shift. are genarally hostile to humans.

last night, i was attacked by an
who was disguised as a little 巫女.
she pulled open her 羽織 to expose
a hollow, yawning mouth where her chest
should have been
jagged, broken ribs for teeth
spittle of blood and gore splattering
onto her , and then
she ate me.

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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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