Ultramaryne: Chapter 2

If you have a hard time reading the text, just click on the pictures and they should get bigger. If you have the right kind of computer, you may be able to enlarge a picture then use your arrow keys to navigate to the next/previous one. Or you can hold 'ctrl' while zooming in with your mouse roller.
P.S. This graphic novel reads right-to-left, American style.

Thank you! I enjoyed reading your comments and I'll go with Leo's suggestion for posting a few pages per week. It's hard to make the art look acceptable on the computer, but I'm doing my best to try to keep improving. Oh, and thanks for voting! I'll keep your opinions in mind as I write.

P.s. the cover for chapter two is in Mecha style, which happens to be a favorite anime style of Max (the character, not the reader). ~*


  1. Ha, I just had a blast from the past. Someone searched for 'amy cahill and ian kabra fanfiction' and viewed my fanfic! Thank you.

  2. Aww this is so cool! I just keep liking Syntyche more and more


Creative Commons License
Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.