Robot in Love #4, Plus Concept Art

My New Assistant: Positives and Negatives.

He is interested in criminology, as am I.
P: We work in the forensics department of BioBank, Inc. He will not get bored.
N: He likes cases in which the suspect is found innocent, whereas I prefer ones in which the criminal is apprehended.

He lives in my neighborhood.
P: Today, we laughed at amusing entries in the local police blotter during our lunch break. The interaction was pleasant.
N: Because we will experience the same environment, we may run out of engaging topics and be forced into painful exchanges, i.e. "It has been exceptionally rainy of late, has it not?"

He likes to talk.
P: I enjoy listening to what he has to say.
N: I have limited talent at conversation. Often, I say things out of context. Often, I stutter and switch words around. Often, I am not certain when to speak and when to be silent, which leads alternately to interruptions and to awkward silences.

He seems to be a phenomenal human being.
P: Working with him will not be tedious, as I had feared.
N: He plans to move when his apprenticeship is over.

N: He makes me feel nervous.

Hello! How is everyone? Here is a little sketch I did. I should be focusing more on my book, because this is supposed to be a side project, but designing ALVIS' character is fun!
Thanks for reading.


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Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.