Poem #8

butterfly effect

people try to figure it all out
math people, philosophy people,
biology people, psychology people
and many, many others
kudos to them for trying so hard . . .

first, try looking up
into the unfathomable sky
impossible to tell how high it is
unless you've been told.
though today it's a blank, blue canvas
you know from experience
that stars hide there.
you could look up how many there are altogether
but you would only find a rough approximation.
who could know all their names?

now, consider the ground.
soil, end product of things long dead
what was sacrificed
for the dirt under your left foot?
who walked here before you were born
and how long ago
and what was going through her mind?
who can guess?

finally, look down at yourself.
your body, performing so many functions
without any conscious thought
and the billions of cells in you
that aren't you.
they just happen to like it there.
how many trillion mistakes
come so close to occurring
that you will never know about?
which long-forgotten childhood experiences
shape your quirks, your ideas,
your sense of self?

it's absolutely impossible
for any one to know these things
yet I still believe
He does.


Thanks for reading! ~*

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite poems of all time. When you write a poem something happens in my mind. I get a real picture in my head of the lines you write but more than that happens. The lines inspire,make me feel in awe, bring my thoughts to a deeper place. Thanks for sharing your gift with people like me.


Creative Commons License
Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.