Ultramaryne: Poem #1

how to care for me

back and forth
back and forth
i swim
in this tank
it is only a little longer
and a little wider
than my body.

taped to my tank is
a yellow notepad
with blue lines:

  • Suzy, while I'm gone I want you to feed Altsoba last so she gets a bit of interaction.
  • Feed her three fish, twice a day – thawed, not frozen like the other test subject's.
    She's picky.
  • You'll need to unlatch the grate over her tank to drop the fish in. I put it there
    because she keeps trying to escape.
  • It's fine to put your hands in and around the tank while caring for Altsoba, as she is
    exponentially more docile than the other test subjects.
  • Check the water filter for debris or blockages.
  • Make sure the bubbler is working correctly.
  • She's been listless lately, so if you have time, talk to her a bit. We think she might
    be depressed because we culled some low-functioning test subjects last week.
    If she seems down, try getting her to talk to you or read to her. (There should be a
    crate of picture books in the cabinet below her tank.) Even five minutes should
  • Call me or leave a note on my desk if you have any trouble.

P.S. There is a first-aid cabinet by the door of Altsoba's unit – not that you'll need
it, it's just a handy thing to know.

back and forth
back and forth
i swim
in this tank
it is only a little longer
and a little wider
than my body.

Thank you for reading :)


1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I've only done five pages this week...! The story is almost over, though.


Creative Commons License
Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.