Poem #2

 Eating Franny

Toasty hot roast
Soy sauce
Rice vinegar
Celtic sea salt

She lived with us
For about two years
Whispy white hair
Ornery and stubborn
Dangerous curled horns
Not a tooth in her face.
She got in a fight
With Snowflake once
And nearly died.
Mom packed salve into
The jagged wound in her chest
And Franny pulled through
Out of sheer toughness.
She was a durable goat.
After the injury,
Franny was friendlier to humans.
She would lick your hands
Like a puppy.

Our Jewish neighbor came
With a sheetrock knife
He held Franny down and

The Kosher way.

I eat
Sometimes pork

So why is it so hard
Fork to mouth
Chew thoroughly


How can she be gone
When it feels like
She is trying to climb
Up my throat?


I've been trying to put Ultramaryne on a separate page, but so far It has been too hard. 



Poem #1

All right, the moment everyone has been waiting for! I'm releasing my poems in no particular order. If you would like to (constructively) criticize, share a poem of your own, or just say hi, feel free to do so in the comments!




Ultramaryne: Poem #1

how to care for me

back and forth
back and forth
i swim
in this tank
it is only a little longer
and a little wider
than my body.

taped to my tank is
a yellow notepad
with blue lines:

  • Suzy, while I'm gone I want you to feed Altsoba last so she gets a bit of interaction.
  • Feed her three fish, twice a day – thawed, not frozen like the other test subject's.
    She's picky.
  • You'll need to unlatch the grate over her tank to drop the fish in. I put it there
    because she keeps trying to escape.
  • It's fine to put your hands in and around the tank while caring for Altsoba, as she is
    exponentially more docile than the other test subjects.
  • Check the water filter for debris or blockages.
  • Make sure the bubbler is working correctly.
  • She's been listless lately, so if you have time, talk to her a bit. We think she might
    be depressed because we culled some low-functioning test subjects last week.
    If she seems down, try getting her to talk to you or read to her. (There should be a
    crate of picture books in the cabinet below her tank.) Even five minutes should
  • Call me or leave a note on my desk if you have any trouble.

P.S. There is a first-aid cabinet by the door of Altsoba's unit – not that you'll need
it, it's just a handy thing to know.

back and forth
back and forth
i swim
in this tank
it is only a little longer
and a little wider
than my body.

Thank you for reading :)



Ultramaryne: Chapter 11

Thank you for your patience!
I think there may be one chapter after this, then an epilogue.


Ultramaryne: Chapter 10.5

Hey! Celebrating 200 
 ::::::::::::::::::::) pages!

Thank you for supporting me!


Creative Commons License
Ultramaryne by Cbeppa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://cbeppaswritingblog.blogspot.com/.